CSIS351: System Analysis and Design

11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 08/08/2024

Course Description

This practical course in information systems development will cover the concepts, skills, methodologies (RAD as well as SDLC), and tools essential for systems analysts to successfully develop information systems. The course will also introduce the student to the Oracle Designer CASE tools, which will be used to assist in the documentation of the analysis and design phases. The course will include a significant amount of team-based activities, therefore issues associated with team interactions and processes will be discussed. (Formerly BMIS 351)

Next Start Date*

August 19, 2024

LUOA Equivalent Course*

  • CSB 3351: System Analysis and Design, 3 LUO credits.

Program Restrictions*

  • DPL: Dual Enrollment – AA Information Systems (DUIS-DPL-D)

Prerequisite Requirements*

CSB 3303 previously completed with a minimum grade of D.

High School Diploma Requirements*

  • Contributes .5 credits to LUOA – Fine Art/Career/Tech Ed, Fine Art/Career/Technical Ed Requirement.


Object-oriented systems analysis and design is gaining in popularity. As emphasis on the Internet continues to expand in the business world, an increasing amount of software is designed to operate in this environment—almost entirely using object-oriented tools and techniques. Although OOSAD is based on object-oriented concepts and is different from the still-popular structured analysis methodology developed in the 1970’s, the overall focus on the development of effective information systems is the same.

Course Assignment

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread must be at least 250 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student must reply at least 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 150 words.

The student will complete 7 Appliance Warehouse Case Study Assignment problems from the course textbook, studying business scenarios, and applying them to what he or she has learned in the course. The student must read the case, answer the questions, and submit his or her answers through the respective assignment links.

The student will create an entire SDLC process that will bring added value to a business, using his/her own place of business (preferred) or an existing business.

Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned module along with the preceding module.

*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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