ENGR270: Technical Communication

07/01/2018 to 12/31/2199 • Modified 08/08/2024

Course Description

This course will teach students how to write documents representing the three main types of technical writing: operational (instructional), promotional (argumentative and analytical), and reportorial (expository, informational and analytical). Students will also evaluate and edit documents belonging to these categories by examining how well these documents serve their purpose for particular audiences in different cultural and social contexts. Students will study and practice communicating ideas competently in diverse public and private speaking venues.

Next Start Date*

August 19, 2024

LUOA Equivalent Course*

  • MAT 3270: Technical Communication, 3 LUO credits.

Program Restrictions*

  • DPL: Dual Enrollment – AS STEM Mathematics (DUSM-DPL-D)

Prerequisite Requirements*

LAN 3101 previously completed with a minimum grade of D.


The engineering degree programs are designed to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to positively influence engineering-related industries in the current and evolving economy. The programs prepare graduates for the thoughtful integration of work and life and to view the engineering profession as a lifelong commitment to serving others. Within a few years of graduating, engineering graduates will be able to advance in an engineering career or graduate studies, be recognized as a creative thinkers exhibiting an aptitude for continuous learning, and display professional ethics and behavior consistent with foundational Christian principles.

In a world dominated by technology and corporations, there is a great need for those who can think and communicate well in various professional contexts. Irrespective of whether it is the field of engineering, medicine, etc., it is professional and technical communication that enables work in various areas in the real world. Good communicators make good professionals and are valued by their employers. This course, by developing your understanding of rhetoric and sharpening your oral and written communication skills, will enable you to compete effectively in the marketplace.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. There will be one traditional Discussion post. The initial thread must be at least 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be at least 150 words.

Peer-Review Discussions (4)

Throughout the technical writing process, the ability to give and receive feedback from colleagues and stakeholders is important. Providing feedback to your peers requires you to critically think about the assignment’s intention and ensure your peer meets the expectations of the assignment. Furthermore, receiving peer feedback allows you to gauge whether or not your writing is clear, concise, and meets the assignment parameters. In this course, you will have four (4) discussion assignments that give you opportunity to give and receive feedback on your writing assignments. Each student must submit their written assignment for review (i.e. Resume and Elevator Speech, Abstract, Poster Session and Presentation, and Executive Summary Poster Session and Presentation). In each peer review discussion, you will review three of your peers’ submissions and provide a substantive and relevant review of each. Each review should have a minimum of 300 words (900 words total minimum). 

Written Assignments (3)

These written assignments are all on different topics related to the practicality of technical writing and each have their own requirements. The topics are as follows: 

  • Resume & Elevator Speech
  • Writing an Abstract
  • Technical Instructions & Usability

Paper/Presentation Assignments (3)

These assignments will consist of both written and presentation portions. The following are the three assignments of this group:

  • Brochure and Presentation: Technical Information Assignment
  • Paper/Presentation: Poster Session: Executive Summary Assignment
  • Paper/Presentation: Poster Session: Apologetics Issue Assignment

Quizzes (8)

There will be eight (8) quizzes in this course.  The quizzes will cover the Learn materials for the assigned modules/weeks. The quizzes will be open-book/open-notes, contain 15 questions, and have a 20-minute time limit.

Quiz: Topic Submission (3)

In this course, you will have 3 quizzes where you will submit your topic for the Paper & Presentation Assignment in the following module.

*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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