EDUC307: Instructional Practices for Differentiated Instruction

11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 08/08/2024

Course Description

This course addresses the principles and best practices for differentiating instruction to meet the individual needs of the learner.

Please note, this course is not part of a program leading to eligibility of a Virginia state teaching license (or license in any other state). Individuals seeking to obtain a state teaching license should contact for recommended course options.

Next Start Date*

August 19, 2024

LUOA Equivalent Course*

  • EDU 3307: Instructional Practices for Differentiated Instruction, 3 LUO credits.

Program Restrictions*

  • DPL: Dual Enrollment – AA Education (DUED-DPL-D)

Prerequisite Requirements*

All of the following:

  • EDU 3200 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
  • EDU 3205 previously completed with a minimum grade of D


Differences in intelligence, development, social preferences, and physical and spiritual maturity cause students to have disparate needs and learning styles. Therefore, effective instruction must provide learners with multiple options for processing information and understanding ideas. Through the concept of differentiated instruction, introduced in this course, teachers are equipped to address the learning diversity found in today’s classrooms.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussion Assignments

There will be 4 Discussions throughout the course. The purpose of Discussion Assignments is to generate interaction in regard to relevant, course topics. The candidate is required to post 1 thread of at least 250 words, and respond to 1 other candidates’ with a reply of at least 150 words. Each thread must include at least 1 citation in current APA format. (CLO: A, B, C, D)

Unit Plan: Foundation Assignment

The candidate will complete a template explaining the ideas for the Unit Plan: Foundation Assignment. The document must include a unit theme, character principle, proposed grade level, subject, and primary SOL for subject. (CLO: A, E)

Assignment Progression Quiz

The candidate will read the Assignment Progression Chart and complete a quiz. (CLO: E)

Unit Plan: Alignment Assignment

In preparation for creating a detailed lesson plan in the following week, the candidate will complete the exercises to write daily learning objectives that correlate with appropriate evaluation/assessments. The focus of the objectives and assessments will correlate with the Unit Plan: Foundation Assignment. (CLO: D, E)

Unit Plan: Lesson Plan Assignment

The candidate will create a detailed lesson plan on a core subject area and grade level. The assignments in this course build on each other, so the information you use in this plan will stem from your Unit Plan: Foundation Assignment. This lesson plan will then fit within your Unit Plan: Module Assignment. (CLO: A, D, E)

Unit Plan: Differentiated Assignment

The candidate will add a plan for differentiation to the Lesson Plan created in the previous week. Incorporate specific differentiated instruction within the teaching of the concept as well as the practice of it. When creating your Class Description/Diversity, ensure that the class (grade level, type of school, number of students, disability categories, placement, and any other relevant data) is clearly described. It should also include a description of the characteristics of the varying abilities and disabilities. The description of the class should have a student who is ESL as well as a disability. (CLO: C, E)

Quizzes (5)

The candidate will complete 5 quizzes based on assigned textbook readings. Students may utilize the textbook or other resources when completing each quiz. (ET). (CLO: A, B C,E)

Unit Plan: Module Assignment

The candidate will complete a differentiated unit plan including 5 daily lesson plans, for a core subject. Also, create a class description and make sure to include a student with ESL and a student with a disability. Candidates will also provide sample forms and assignments that correlate with the lessons. Utilize the grading rubric as well as the sample provided to guide you. (CLO: B, D, E)

Unit Plan: Accommodations Assignment

The candidate will create 10 accommodations for the Unit Plan: Accommodations Assignment that will individualize the lessons for students with various disabilities. Utilize the sample to help guide you, as well as the rubric which explains specific expectations and details that need to be included in the final plan.  (CLO: C, E)

*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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