APP2100: FACS: Essential Life Skills
05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/23/2024Course Description
This year-long course establishes foundational skills for students to live as independent individuals. Students will be provided instruction on finding a job, choosing a career and education, personal finance and banking, buying and maintaining a vehicle and home, consumer rights, health and wellbeing, culinary skills and basic recipes, textiles, cleaning, and building healthy, godly relationships. Students will complete a variety of practical assignments, including collecting recipes, searching for an apartment, and completing tax forms.
Next Start Date*
Next Monday
Program Restrictions*
- ESD: Elementary School Diploma (ESDP-ESD-D) Excluded
- MSD: Middle School Diploma (MSDP-MSD-D) Excluded
High School Diploma Requirements*
- Contributes 1 credit to LUOA – Fine Art/Career/Tech Ed, Fine Art/Career/Technical Ed Requirement.
Module 1: Education & Employment
- Week 1: The Basics of Independent Living
- Week 2: Career Interests & Education
- Week 3: Finding a Job
- Week 4: Employee Responsibilities, Rights, and Benefits & Quiz
Module 2: Finances
- Week 5: The Economy, Personal Finances, and Taxes
- Week 6: Budgeting
- Week 7: Shopping on a Budget & Budgeting Project
- Week 8: Banking, Credit & Consumer Rights
- Week 9: Borrowing, Insurance & Exam
Module 3: The Cost of Independence
- Week 10: Transportation & Finding Housing
- Week 11: Securing an Apartment
- Week 12: Moving In, Utilities & Consumer Rights and Protections
- Week 13: Avoiding Scams, Government Protections & Quiz
Module 4: Health & Wellbeing
- Week 14: Wellness, Nutrition & Natural Remedies
- Week 15: Healthy Eating, Hygiene & Mindfulness
- Week 16: Exercise, Healthcare & Personal Safety
- Week 17: First Aid & Fire Prevention
- Week 18: Household Emergencies & Exam
Module 5: Life Skills: Food Basics
- Week 19: Food History, Chemistry & the Basics of Grocery Shopping
- Week 20: Non-Perishables, Processed Foods, Food Storage & Meal Planning
- Week 21: Meal Budgeting, Project & Cooking Equipment
- Week 22: Sanitation, Cross-Contamination, Preparation & Quiz
Module 6: Life Skills: Food Preparation
- Week 23: Basic Cooking Terms & Skills
- Week 24: Eggs, Meat & Potatoes
- Week 25: Pasta, Sides & Meals that Stretch
- Week 26: Sweet Things
- Week 27: Bread, Recipe Collection Project & Exam
Module 7: Life Skills: Taking Care of Your Possessions
- Week 28: Clothing Choices
- Week 29: Laundry, Ironing & Mending
- Week 30: Cleaning
- Week 31: Home Maintenance
- Week 32: Automotive Maintenance & Quiz
Module 8: Healthy Relationships & Family Life
- Week 33: Relationships & Conflict Resolution
- Week 34: Families & the Early Stages of Life
- Week 35: Infants, Children & Special Needs Family Members
- Week 36: Aging Family Members, Work/Life Balance & Exam