Elizabeth Whorley, PhD, RN, CNE

Dr. Elizabeth Whorley serves as the Chair of the Online Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing programs and is an Associate Professor of Nursing. Dr. Whorley’s clinical background is in the operating room, with a primary focus on urological, gynecological, and ophthalmology outpatient surgery. She has a passion for nursing education and transitioned into nursing education and leadership. She seeks to create an innovative learning environment that foster caring, creativity, and a commitment to excellence in nursing.
Publications (peer-reviewed articles)
- Brown, K., Bridge, D., Humphrey, H, & Whorley, E. (2019) Ready to Care? Student nurse perceptions of spiritual care education. Journal of Christian Nursing. 1(36)
Professional Memberships
- American Nurses Association
- National League for Nursing
- Sigma Theta Tau International
Courses Taught
- NURS 101 Introduction to Nursing
- NURS 105 Medical Terminology
- NURS 210 Health Assessment
- NURS 215 Pathophysiology
- NURS 220 Advanced Nursing Communication
- NURS 225 Research in Nursing
- NURS 440 Strategies for Community Health Care, NURS 445 Population Health
- NURS 490 Leadership/Management in Nursing
- NURS 491 Nursing Management
- NURS 492 Advanced Concepts of Nursing Practice
- NURS 500 Research
- NURS 617 Nurse Educator I: Advanced Clinical Applications
- NURS 722 Nursing Theory Development
- NURS 835 Theories of Nursing
Research Interests
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Spiritual Care