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Welcome to LU: It’s ‘game on’ for new students on move-in day


As Liberty University began welcoming incoming students to campus on Wednesday morning, the newcomers echoed a common theme in their hopes for college life: establishing community.

President Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Dondi E. Costin, Ph.D. and his wife Vickey, alongside Chancellor Jonathan Falwell and his wife Shari greet new students and their families. (Photo by Joel Coleman)

This community was seen firsthand on move-in day when student leadership teams cheered enthusiastically for families as they drove up to the residence halls and immediately sprung into action to haul students’ belongings to their rooms, to the surprise of the parents.

“I absolutely love the community, how kind people are, how Christ-centered it is. It’s amazing,” said freshman Allison Davis as she moved into her new home in Commons I.

Davis, originally from New York, plans to study music education in Liberty’s School of Music. She said she was originally hesitant to leave for college, but these feelings were eased once she arrived.

“As soon as I stepped on campus, I knew this was where God was calling me,” she said.

Freshman Miranda Fischer from Prince George, Va., said she looks forward to building new friendships. She plans to study nursing and decided to attend Liberty because she wants to grow in her relationship with Christ.

“I’ve been growing in my faith a lot lately, so I definitely feel like coming to Liberty was one of the best decisions for me because it is a Christian school, and I know that this is the next step to growing in my faith.”

While move-in Day is in many ways an exciting time for students, it can also be difficult a time for parents leaving their children in the care of others. Amy Davis traveled from Chicago to drop off her son Rylan so he can pursue a degree in the School of Business.

President Costin and his wife, Vickey, help carry students’ luggage. (Photo by Joel Coleman)

“We are definitely excited because we feel so comfortable leaving (Rylan) here and (know) that he’s in a safe place,” she said. “He is going to deepen his faith and he has two of his best friends here, so that makes us really comfortable. The hard part is he’s 12 hours from home. We won’t be seeing him very often, but it’s hard not to be excited for him.”

Among the crowds greeting the new students and comforting their families were newly appointed Liberty President Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Dondi E. Costin, Ph.D., and his wife, Vickey, and Chancellor Jonathan Falwell and his wife, Shari.

President Costin said he relishes move-in day as it presents an opportunity to speak with new students about their future plans.

“It’s like pregame jitters a little bit, a little bit of butterflies, but we’re just really excited,” said Costin, who officially stepped into his new role on July 1. “We’ve been praying for them and cheering for them. And to see the parents, grandparents, and others dropping them off is mixed emotions. Generally, the kids are really excited, and the moms and dads drive away crying. But that’s what it’s all about; they’ve done their job to prepare them for this day, and now it’s our job. I refer to students as ‘Liberty’s precious cargo’ who have been raised up by these parents. I’m just very excited that today it’s ‘game on.’”

“I’ve been around here since Day 1,” said Falwell, whose father Dr. Jerry Falwell founded the university in 1971. “I remember when this was a farm, and so to be able to see the thousands of students and to see where it came from to where it is today, it’s overwhelming to see what God continues to do on this campus. Thinking back to what my dad said all those years ago about what this place would one day be, to now actually see where it is and everything he said is there, for me it’s a pretty cool time to recognize the faithfulness of God.”

President Costin and his wife Vickey help new students move in. (Photo by Joel Coleman)

With the increased focus that Liberty places on ensuring that students are developing spiritually as well as academically, Falwell noted that every one of the 16,000 students on campus has the potential to do great things for the Gospel.

“(Liberty’s) an amazing place, and I know that every student is going to be blown away by what God does in their life, if they will let Him do it,” he said.

Liberty plans a full Welcome Week of activities for new students, starting with a New Student Convocation on Friday where students will hear from President Costin. Parents of new students are invited to a Family & Parent Session on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in the Center for Music and the Worship Arts, Concert Hall.

New student move-in continues on Thursday; residence halls will open for returning students on Friday. Classes begin on Aug. 21.

Students will celebrate the start of a new year at the annual Block Party, hosted by the Student Activities Department, on Aug. 26.


(Photo by Joel Coleman)
(Photo by Joel Coleman)
President Costin and his wife, Vickey, and Chancellor Falwell and his wife, Shari, welcome incoming students alongside Liberty’s student leadership teams. (Photo by Joel Coleman)
Student leadership on Commons III welcome incoming students. (Photo by Brooke McDuffee)
(Photo by Brooke McDuffee)
President Costin and Chancellor Falwell with one of the university’s resident directors and his family. (Photo by Joel Coleman)
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