Band Camp

Marching Band Camp
The Spirit of the Mountain marching band season kicks off the school year with Band Camp each August. Participation is necessary for you to retain your position in the band and/or some awarded scholarship funding.
Band Camp will begin on your scheduled arrival date based on your position (see dates below) and continue through the day before the semester begins.
As a Marching Band member, you must complete university registration and check-in requirements before attending camp.
*Please refer to our Schedule for the most current dates.
Fall Music
Music to our Pre-game, Military Appreciation Show, and Halftime Shows will be found on the Marching Band Fall Show Music page. We will update it throughout the summer as we complete various arrangements for the season. This is a log-in-protected page for members only.
Download and practice! You should learn to play all parts for instruments with multiple parts – part placement will occur on the first music session of Band Camp.
Camp Information
Camp 2024 Dates & Check-In
Camp Cost
Things to Bring to Camp
Appropriate Camp Attire
Room and Board
Dorm Key
Camp Schedule & Activities
Generally, each day will usually be divided into 3 practice sessions.
- 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
- 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
- 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
- Some late-evening social events are also scheduled!
We start work on the show immediately. Band Camp is extremely concentrated due to the minimal number of rehearsal hours during the semester. Band Camp will begin on your scheduled arrival date listed above and continue through the day before the first day of regular classes.
During Band Camp, a Hawaiian Luau, Putt Putt Game Night, Ice Cream Social, Pool Party, and other recreational activities are typically planned. Additional activities occur during the semester, such as an October Hayfest, bonfire cookout, and the Annual Christmas Banquet (Banquet not covered by ‘Activity Fee’).
Band Camp Orientation – Freshmen Families
Preceding Band Camp Check-In on Saturday, we will host a kickoff meeting for all parents, family members, and band members who are new to us! Details will be emailed to new members over the summer. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet the band leadership, hear of the band’s plans for the year, and meet other band families in attendance at Band Camp Check-in. This is intended primarily for freshmen/transfer band members and their families.
Registration for School Year
All Marching Band members must complete university registration and check-in requirements prior to band camp. This will include class registration, Flames Pass (school ID), BankMobile Disbursements refund preference selection, financial account, automobile registration, and any other documentation that accompanies enrolling at Liberty University for the semester.
A few Liberty University websites that provide helpful information:
- Information for Math Assessment Test
- Admissions
- ID & Campus Services
- Vehicle registration
Professional Advisor
Your advisor in the College of Applied Studies and Academic Success (CASAS) may be of assistance as needed to register for band or any Liberty University course. Your Professional Advisor is determined based on your area of study. Call (434) 592-4110 or e-mail CASAS at with further questions.
Marching Band Class
Be certain your academic schedule includes Marching Band, MUSC 184 / 484. This class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 3:20 – 5:20 p.m.
Marching Band (MUSC 184 / 484) Class is our field rehearsal time—no additional class is designed for the Liberty University Marching Band. If you find that a required class for your major conflicts with the band, and you have not been able to discover a solution, please contact the band office so we can help you resolve the situation!
In addition, all band members who intend to major in music must take the Music Theory Placement Test in accordance with guidance from your Advisor PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL for band camp.