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Military Graduates 2022


Celebrating Our Military Graduates


We are incredibly proud to honor the remarkable achievements of Liberty University’s 2021-2022 military graduates and graduating military spouses! To honor this milestone achievement in the lives of so many of our military students, we’ve been collecting stories about their journeys to graduation. We are amazed at the tenacity and ferocious will to never give up that is exemplified in the testimonies of these graduates. May their words inspire you to keep pressing toward the mark in your own pursuit of your degree! There are thousands of untold stories represented in each class of graduating Liberty students – stories of hard work, determination, and sacrifice and the class of 2022 is no exception. To honor the accomplishments of all of our graduating military students, and to give encouragement to those still pressing toward the mark, we wanted to give voice to a few of their stories.


Alexis Lawrence
Specialist in the United States Army
Master of Science in Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Leadership

Stop overthinking, please. You can’t control everything, just let it be.

My journey to graduation has not been an easy one, but it is one I don’t regret. I am appreciative of the love and support I have received throughout this rewarding endeavor, and I learned a valuable lesson in the process. Sometimes it’s not about what others fail to see in you, because that is not what holds the power. The power lies in what you see in yourself. This is the reason I am a Solider, proudly graduating with my Master’s at the age of 22. “A (wo)man is great not because (s)he hasn’t failed; a (wo)man is great because failure hasn’t stopped them”. – Confucius


Kristen Schweikert
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Law and Policy: Pre Law

Psalm 46:5 reminds us, “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” 

I have been working on a degree since 2006 (off and on). I changed my major several times because I could not commit to a specific career path. Throughout the years, I have been through so much (childhood trauma, domestic violence, divorce, the birth of my children, raising all three as a single parent, multiple deaths in my family, severe medical issues, etc.), and it has taken a long time to discover not only who I truly am but what I want my life to be.  Many times, self-doubt crept in and I completely gave up on myself which put my education on the backburner. It wasn’t until I began helping fellow veterans with legal issues that I realized that I am so much more than I have given myself credit for. The time to graduate is finally here and I did not come this far only to come this far! I am so excited to take the LSAT and start law school to further my advocacy for the elderly and destitute veterans.



Kerese Whyte Phillips
Retired U.S. Army Sergeant
Master of Public Health: Global Health

It’s going to be rough at times, such as when you have two classes with four assignments due and you are in the field where you have no internet, and your hotspot is not that hot. Just remember, you got this.

I started this degree in the middle of the pandemic and while everything felt off at the beginning, I manage to overcome, and I am now walking into the future with an MPH (my husband calls it Miles per hour). I call it the degree that changes my life. I now understand what public health means and hope I can share what I have learned with the world. It was a challenging journey, being hospitalized and having multiple health scares. I knew the good Lord had my back, and guess what? I did it. Thank you to my husband who was my proofreader, and my audience who had to sit down and listen to me rehearsing my countless PowerPoints. Thanks a million.


Bradley Hinson
Captain in the U.S. Army
Master of Science in National Security

It’s hard but keep going! Remember why you started! You’ll be glad you didn’t quit, and it will all be worth it!

I love my country and strive to find ways to be more qualified to serve and protect the people of the United States, which is why I desired this degree. I have worked on this degree through a high paced active-duty work environment, two deployments to the middle east, and several other life challenges. I am extremely blessed that God led me to Liberty University which has taken care of me every step of the way! My wife has been a critical part to this success in supporting me throughout all these endeavors. I thank and love her dearly!  I am appreciative of the love and support I have received throughout this rewarding endeavor, and I learned a valuable lesson in the process. Sometimes it’s not about what others fail to see in you, because that is not what holds the power. The power lies in what you see in yourself. This is the reason I am a Solider, proudly graduating with my Master’s at the age of 22.



Naomi Burrell
Army Spouse
Certificate in Executive Communications

You are a WINNER! “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:37

I thank the Almighty for His grace. There were many times I wanted to give up, thinking, “Why am I putting myself through this?” and “Is it worth it?”. I thought to myself, “I am a wife, mother, and business owner; now, you want me to add student to that equation?”. However, when I think about the sacrifice my husband made over 20 years ago to serve our country, I am reminded of the strength and courage it takes to persevere. I know when he received the orders for war, he automatically felt uncertain about what was coming next. Sometimes, when God calls us to do things, it may seem scary. That is a normal reaction to challenging situations. However, God is so perfect that he put inside of us everything we need for what he wants us to do. Every time I wanted to yell, “TIME OUT!” or “That’s it, I’m done!”, I remembered, I’m more than a conqueror through Him that loved me! There is nothing that can separate me from his love. And knowing that gives me the power to endure. I had my moments of feeling defeated, but My Father didn’t let me fail!


Katy Patton
Yeoman Third Class in the U.S. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

Never give up on your dream!

I began my degree back in the Fall of 2015 but was unable to finish my degree due to finances. Never in a million years did I think I’d join the military, but I did as it gave me an opportunity to focus on my degree and chase my dreams. Having a degree not only gives me a sense of accomplishment, but it also allows me to have more doors open to me in my career in the military. I will be forever grateful for the people who helped me along the path of continuing to be a Champion for Christ.


Angela Vidal
Navy Spouse
Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education

After becoming a military spouse, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was surrounded by uncertainties in my life. With my husband’s schedule and having small children, I was unsure how I was going to finish school. It was because of Liberty University that I was able to finish my degrees and reach my goals. One thing I could count on was Liberty’s support as I finished my degrees. From the tuition discounts and book credit to the supportive faculty and staff, I was able to reach my dreams. I am forever grateful to Liberty University and my husband’s support and service for allowing me to finish my degrees through four homes, three states, and one new baby.


Liliana Santana
U.S. Army National Guard
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

Don’t give up when the world thinks you should. Remember that if you fail at something it is a strength not a weakness. You will be able to get up on your feet again.

From working in the Senate, to the Pentagon, all the way to moving into my new house in Charlottesville. I had moved out to Virginia to finish my school year on my own. My Senior Year helped me travel all over the place to then work for a program called talent acquisition. Many people believe that artists don’t get jobs the way that other people do. To be an artist you have to be self maintenanced. Being able to discipline yourself is one of our very own strengths we hold when it comes to the Military. That is why I am able to enjoy this degree that I have. I am now going to go forth with my job as an assistant professor at West Point and take a job at Eustis in hopes to further my future.


Barbara Bevins
Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry: Christian Leadership and Church Mgmt

May God continue to bless and encourage you on your educational path and service to our country.

I was very excited to return back to school after several years because I know that the Lord was taking me places and I needed to be prepared. In order to do so, expanding my knowledge and experience biblically and spiritually was my first priority. As I researched universities, I was led to attend Liberty, and that was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have learned a lot, but I am still hungry to learn more so I can be better prepared to be the servant God is calling me to be. My journey does not end here because I will be continuing on to get my Doctorate in Ministry. To God be the glory.


Laura Bigley
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant
Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling

Believe in yourself, stay strong, never give up, and allow God to guide you down the road to success.

My journey was a long one. I wanted to quit but I could not allow myself as that’s just not in my character. Life kept throwing me curveballs and I felt lost at times.  Knowing that I have so many friends that are battling inner demons of addiction, I pushed myself to finish what I started! Losing my mother during this journey was the toughest moment in my life, but I know she has the best seat in the house while she looks down upon me when I walk across that stage! I did it mom!


Tyler Burke
U.S. Navy Reserves and U.S. Army
Master of Science in Criminal Justice: Homeland Security

My time here at Liberty has granted me the opportunity to work alongside ambitious fellow service members. Learning alongside these individuals, professors, and staff has given me a greater education and sense of pride in the education I have received at Liberty while growing my faith in Christ. This journey was not always simple, and it was stressful, overwhelming even. Though the troubles will come, as in your service and in life, you can find a way to overcome.


Michael Harris
Retired U.S. Air Force Major
PhD in Higher Education Administration: Education Leadership

Keep working, keep your focus, be the champion you are.

Just wanted to drop a note that I could not be happier with my experience as a retired officer taking classes with Liberty University.  My wife Robyn and I began our doctorate programs, she in 2017 and me in 2018.  We have had great support and were pleasantly surprised by the level of rigor both the School of Business and the School of Education hold their candidates to. We will both be hooded in May, me with a PhD in Higher Ed and she with a DBA in Accounting.  This was a great way to invest the 13 months I had remaining of my GI Bill® benefits. We are both grateful and feel blessed that we will be graduating on the same date this spring.


Jonathan Belcher
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserve
Bachelor of Science in Religion: Evangelism

We are accustomed to the idea of finishing the mission within the military context, but college is yet another mission in life.  Do not quit on yourself or your future.  See this mission through to completion! 

I spent two years in pursuit of a religion degree before joining the Army Reserve as a chaplain assistant and taking a several year break from college. When my mentor passed away in 2020, I was reminded of how passionate he was about education. With the help of military tuition assistance and credits earned from military schools, I went back to school to finish my degree.  My wife decided to start her college journey with me, earning her degree in creative writing.  The majority of our classes with Liberty were taken while I was on active-duty orders with a medical unit in response to COVID-19. When we both walk at graduation in May of 2022, my wife will be 23 weeks pregnant with our first child!


Dwayne Locklear
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Stay focused and persevere.

After serving in the Air Force after High School, I dedicated my life to Jesus. When I was 39 years old, I accepted the call into the ministry and am currently pastor of a local Baptist church in North Carolina. Approximately 6 years ago, I suddenly felt the urge to attend college to not only look for something more challenging, but to help me learn more about Bible history so that it could help me with my pastoral duties. Thanks to Liberty University I achieved what I set out to do.


Jacob Bollhoefer
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Life Coaching and
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Military Resilience

Endure. Just like Military Training and experience, all struggles do come to an end, and it’s worth it.

I worked on my double degree in Psychology for 7 years, full time, part time, and with breaks for military training and deployments. Experiencing the loss of a platoon member due to suicide forever changed my degree direction from criminal justice to psychology with the hope of helping other military and first responders as they deal with similar trials. Though my bachelor’s degrees have been conferred I will now continue to a master’s degree in the Fall 2022 semester.


Wilfredo Golez
Retired U.S. Army SFC
Certificate in Executive Strategic Leadership

Education is a journey not a destination. Take it one course at a time and if you need a break, do so.

During the pandemic, I decided to register one course at a time until I completed the required seven doctoral courses to obtain an executive certificate leading to a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership. Achieving the certification has motivated me to pursue a Ph.D. in Administration for my terminal degree. It is the best thing that happened in my career while having my full-time job responsibilities. Age is not a hindrance to achieving a dream of a lifetime. Everyone can pursue and achieve a goal as long as they have the will to do it.

Due to challenges and circumstances in life, I have attempted multiple times to at least continue my goal of registering for courses towards earning a higher learning education. I have a long way to go, and I will be spending more challenges, sleepless nights, sacrificed weekends, constrained family times, and personal hours to keep me abreast of reaching my final degree.

In the meantime, a mere celebration of a milestone success is necessary to keep the motivation going. I give sincere gratitude to my family for continuous support and encouragement. Above all, I thank God for the gift of understanding and a discerning heart to serve.


Pitch Taylor
Navy Spouse
Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Always look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who strengthens, guides, and empowers us. Keep the faith and run the race of endurance, for the reward of finishing a degree is far greater than you imagine.

It has been a struggle for me to finish my degree when planning things according to my perspective. After long years, I gave up on pursuing education until three years ago when the Lord opened up doors and led me to Liberty University. Indeed, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). In comparison to my previous studies, learning accounting and business administration corroborated with the Word of God is empowering. Learning the biblical tenets and applying them in today’s world widens my understanding on a spiritual and professional level.


Sharita Knobloch
Army Spouse
Doctorate of Education in Community Care and Counseling

Military spouses, service members, and veterans are some of the strongest, most intentional, talented, and resilient people in the world. You can absolutely do this– KEEP GOING! #ProgressOverPerfection Oh and remember Jesus has got your six.

As a military spouse, I joke about living a life of the “no-plan-plans” (having a plan, changing the plan, then a new plan that’s not really a plan). When I began my doctorate degree in May 2017, I could never have predicted the obstacles that would arrive: A PCS followed by a deployment, an unexpected (yet wonderful) acquisition of an online business, the pandemic, everyone in my family being HOME when I am researching and writing, (see also: infantryman, 7-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son), an unexpected calling to homeschool our second grader, the bouts of anxiety/depression flaring near the end. 

All that to say—Thank you Jesus that I am here today! All the glory to God! This journey would not have been possible without you, my great, powerful, and constantly-surprises-me-with-your-goodness Heavenly Father. Lord, thank you for allowing me the “thrillifying” (thrilling + terrifying) privilege to live out my verse of the last 4.5 years: “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). You called me. You were faithful. You did this. Soli Deo Gloria.

Also, thank you to my beloved Infantryman husband, Master Sergeant Brandon Knobloch, my no-longer-so-tiny humans, Charis and Malick, my text-message prayer/pep club members, Megan C., Joanna C., Kayla T., Coach Susan, Mama C.J., and Mother-In-Love Lex, and my military spouse/ civilian tribe.  My greatest hope is that this makes a small difference for the future of military spouse mental health.


Saralinda Guzman Garcia
Retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling

The only person who can stop you from achieving your goals is you. Keep going and stay humble in the process.

I started my degree while serving in the Navy. I wanted to pursue my master’s to show my kids that anything is possible no matter how old you are, no matter how busy you are, and no matter the roadblocks. Thanks to my mother and the love of my life, I was able to persevere all obstacles and get to this point. I look forward to what God has in store for me next.


Jamie Cheniault
Captain in the U.S. Army Reserves
Master of Business Administration

You’ve made it this far, please do not give up!

After taking an educational break, the pandemic made me decide that I wanted to pursue my MBA. I started at another university but realized that it wasn’t right for me. I ended up deciding that Liberty was perfect for me due to the expectations, vision, and course work. It wasn’t an easy journey with me living in Texas, being in command of a company in Missouri, and working a full-time job, but I ended up getting my degree in a little over a year at Liberty. The journey wasn’t easy. I had long nights of writing papers and studying, but I finally made it!


Jon-Eric Holt
U.S. Army Purple Heart Veteran
Master of Science in National Security: Homeland Security

Be the difference!

Since I joined the military in 2003, my life has been filled with many trials and tribulations. Each has tested me and brought me closer to God. In 2007 I was wounded in Baghdad, Iraq and the result would forever change my life. Learning to stand, walk, and run all without assistance was an endeavor I want no one to experience. However, the lessons that I learned built me into what I am today. The desire to serve was still there even after a two-year long rehabilitation process. In 2014 I joined my local law enforcement agency and again started to service my community, a calling which fills us all at some point. Again, God challenged my path but this time to see what could be done if I had faith and worked to protect his flock. Since 2016 I have saved 5 people, 2 of which were rescued from a burning building, and another resulted in me picking up a vehicle off of a lady. God guides us all to serve and spread his scripture. It does not simply stop when we take off the uniform, it is just the beginning of our journey.


Tiffany Jessop
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

Utilize the time management skills the Army expects of you and apply it to schoolwork! Continue to chip away wherever you can, and your greatest accomplishment will be within reach!

As a single mother and an NCO in a Special Operations unit, I didn’t think I could ever balance my work requirements with my educational goals. Applying my military ethos, my unit’s “no quit” motto and allowing myself grace, I knew this degree would be something I could be proud of. My love and support from my daughter, family and friends helped encourage me when I felt I couldn’t keep going. I appreciate all of the help and support I have received, and this degree serves as a true testament that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES! Allow yourself to cry and be upset but continuing on with your personal mission is the ultimate prize!


Brian Johnson
U.S. Army Veteran
Master of Science in Cyber Security

Take it one class at a time, always keep the end goal in your sights–and keep driving on!

I enlisted in the Army in 1994 and was assigned to Fort Bragg upon completing basic training and airborne school. While serving on active duty, I began taking night classes through Campbell University’s satellite campus on Fort Bragg. During that time, I applied for and was awarded a 2-year ROTC scholarship. I was blessed to be able to be a regular college student for a couple years, while I pursued my degree in business administration and completed my ROTC requirements. I was commissioned in 2000 as a US Army second lieutenant in the Military Intelligence Corps. Over the next eight years, I served at Fort Bragg, Kosovo, Iraq, and Italy. I left active service in 2008 and served 11 years as a defense contractor, providing contract intelligence services to the US Army. I worked in Virginia, Germany, and South Korea during that time. In 2019, my wife, two children, and I moved to Lynchburg, VA where I took a staff position as the Director of Liberty University’s IT Security department. I began taking classes in the cyber security master’s program in June 2020—the first college classes I had taken in 20 years. It was a challenging endeavor, balancing family, work, and school, but it paid off in the end. I want to thank my wife, Kim, for all her incredible, patient support throughout this experience—thank you!


Arlen Calhoun
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

Take it one step at a time, persevere, and stay the course – it’s worth it.

I began my journey with the intention of getting my M.A in History, however, God had other plans. As I continued through my courses I was continually led to the field of American Government. Providentially, Liberty University offered a M.A. in the new and exciting field of Interdisciplinary Studies. This allowed me to expand beyond the confines of a single academic field and experience learning at deeper level in both History and American Government.

It hasn’t been an easy road, but it’s been a valuable one. I’ve had to juggle working in the Military, having a second job as a Gymnastics Coach, having a toddler, and studying for promotions throughout my studies, but God has provided and given me guidance each step of the way.


Kristen Gaither-Thompson
Sergeant in the U.S. Army
Master of Science in Human Performance: Nutrition

Stay the course and know that God did not lead you to this point to leave you here.

I started this degree during the beginning of COVID to deepen my understanding of the human body and how it interacts with food (fuel). There were many late nights and early mornings. Many days where I had to read and re-read and re-read again to fully understand what was being taught. Couple that with carrying a full-time mission with less than half of the personnel I was supposed to have. To say it was tough, long, and arduous is an understatement, BUT GOD! He kept me, blessed me with a support system that daily encouraged me, and gave me the strength to continue on despite what it looked like. I am where I am today because of the people God placed in my life and his unwavering hand on my life.


George Felli
Petty Officer First Class in the U.S. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

Keep Pushing.

It has been a long 22-year journey to attain this degree, but God’s timing is always right. Trust in His process.

I joined the Navy in 2008, three years after I flunked out of college. A few duty stations later, with some deployments in between under the right mentorship and encouragement, I did it!

Here’s to you MOM and Mhud!!!!!!!!!


Shauna Oakland
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Never give up!

26 years after taking my first college class as an E1, I am FINALLY walking across this stage! Never ever give up. Never ever doubt yourself. Keep pushing and keep believing. I am a single mom of 2 college students. This year, my daughter and I graduate 2 weeks apart. Her as a HS Senior, and me, graduating college. Just keep going and don’t stop!!


Judy Staveley
Air Force Spouse
Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership

The task ahead of you, is never as great as the power behind you! Be strong in the lord, and in his might and power. Ephesians 6:10

My journey to graduate from the school of Education at Liberty University has been far from customary. The pandemic led to some hurdles these past couple of years. In 2018, I decided to embark on a new journey to get an Education Specialist degree and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership degree. I have been so excited to have accomplished my E.Ds. and my EdD doctoral degree. During my completion of the E.Ds. degree, the graduation ceremony was canceled. I waited for the 2021 ceremony and was left to attend virtually. I was left with announcements and a beautiful red, white, and blue cap and gown hanging in my closet. I hung up my diploma on the wall and stared into it. I knew I had to focus on my new journey to complete my doctorate and leave the ceremonies behind me. In all honesty, I almost didn’t feel like I had passed a milestone in my education. The new goal was to move forward onto my EdD. I prayed for God to give me patience because he had a bigger plan for me. I also knew deep inside that he wanted me to wait for my doctoral ceremony. As I reflect on my studies at Liberty University, I’m grateful to have had a supportive mentor in Dr. Orlando Lobiana, who guided me through my defense and doctoral studies. I’m excited to finally walk across the stage and celebrate with my family, friends, and colleagues.


Sondra Scott
Retired U.S. Navy E6
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Christian Counseling

You are worth the journey, but first commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established (English Standard Version, 2016, Proverbs 16:3).

In 2009, I was given the news that my mind was not prepared to handle: “Petty Officer Scott: Per the medical board’s recommendations, you will be getting discharged.” This moment changed the trajectory of “my plans” concerning my future in the U.S. Navy. At the moment, it felt like the worst day of my life. Not only was I in physical pain in my body, all of “my set plans” were no longer valid. However, the thoughts and plans of the Lord far exceed what we can ask or think.  My road to physical recovery led me to a life of full submission to the will of the Lord. Today, thirteen years later, I can stand and declare: “I am that I am, but for the grace of God.”


Lydia Whitney
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God.”

In my late teenage years, I developed a huge passion for aviation. One of my first pursuits after graduating high school was earning my private pilot license. Having a deep desire to pursue aviation farther, God led me to enlist in the Air Force as and F-16 Avionics Technician in 2017 with the distant dream of becoming an Air Force pilot. It took a couple years to find a rhythm in the military lifestyle. Then, once again, the Lord surprised me by guiding me to enroll with LUO in 2020. For many that was a tough year, but for me it was one of the best years of my life. I grew so much spiritually and as a leader through my online classes, flight training, and military career. That was also the year I married Reid, the man who helps me get through it all! My LUO degree enabled me to apply to become an Officer. We found out early this year that I have been selected to commission as an Air Force pilot. Next stop, Officer Training School and pilot training! All glory to God!


Mia Harris
Retired U.S. Army Staff Sergeant
Master of Divinity: Youth and Family Ministries

You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you. Phil 4:13

As a full-time employee actively involved with various community groups, I have to say that this journey to graduation would have been difficult but for God! One thing that I desire from the Lord is to know more of Him, and this alone kept me focused when I became frustrated or felt overwhelmed. While I could speak of a troubled childhood, people who thought I would not amount to anything, or other obstacles that could have deterred me from this accomplishment, those memories and events have helped me to realize that my past will not dictate my future. I am more than enough, and if God can use Esther, Deborah, Miriam, and the women at the well, surely God can use me.

My life’s goal was to say that I had a college degree; I honestly had no intention of obtaining a Master’s, but God said otherwise. Here again, can I tell you that I am currently enrolled in the Doctorate program at my local Bible College; God is doing a new thing! My Bible tells me that He will not put more on me than I can bear, so I submit my life to doing the work of the Lord. My husband and family often tell me that I am doing too much, but I have realized that my ministry is in the communities that I am placed in daily. I desire to be an example of Christlikeness as my light shines brightly for all to see.


Adisa Aiyetoro
Retired U.S. Army CW3
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Self-sacrifice towards professional development is an invaluable asset with an infinite range. Education opens the door to this lifetime opportunity.

I found myself in a military setting over the past 30+ years. In 1989, after High School (Clarendon College, Jamaica), I immigrated to the USA and subsequently enlisted in the U.S. Army where I met the challenges presented and advanced from the rank of Private to being selected for a promotion to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer Four. During my tenure, deployments to training and combat operations significantly impacted completing professional education in a timely manner; however, giving up was never a choice. I served the military during the latter portions of the Cold War Era, participated in Operation Desert Shield/Storm, the Global War on Terrorism, and Operation Iraq Freedom amongst other operations. I retired from active duty after 22 years of service and decided to accept government employment in the education and program management fields, developing/educating military leaders. It was not until the COVID-19 travel restrictions that I decided to utilize my time wisely and complete my M.Ed. with a focus on Leadership and Curriculum Development. The journey is not yet over as I will embark upon completing a Ph.D. in Education Leadership. Throughout my short lifespan, I have lived many organizational mottos that taught me how to “Carpe Diem.” Clarendon College taught me “Perstare et Praestare” – to “Persevere and Excel.” The Army reminded me to “Be All That I Can Be”, and that “No Mission is Too Difficult, and No Sacrifice is Too Great.” I know now that life itself is comprised of lifelong learning experiences and lessons.


Douglas Carcamo-Castro
1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force
Juris Master in International Legal Studies

If he is not your brother in faith, he is your brother in humanity. Love one another and the Lord will bless you accordingly.

When my parents first immigrated to the U.S. from South America, they of course sought the age-old goal of a better life. Four decades later, this graduation stands as testament to all their sacrifices and struggles. Having been inspired by father’s dreams of being a pilot, I studied Aerospace Engineering in my undergrad but when I thought about continuing my education with a graduate degree, I knew it was time to follow my own. Liberty University has blessed me with professors that continuously demonstrated God’s passion alongside a steadfast resolution to inspire the minds of every student in their course. While my degree may have MY name on it, my Juris Master’s degree in International Legal Studies first belongs to God, my family and friends, and the faculty and staff of Liberty that continue to inspire me enough to pursue a Ph.D. this coming summer. To say that I am blessed is an understatement.


Bobby Jordan
U.S. Army Veteran
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling: Life Coaching

Keep your head up, eyes open, and breathe normal!

Through depression and anxiety, I pressed. Through back and knee injuries I pressed. Through high blood pressure and hypertension, I pressed. Through legs and feet injuries I pressed. Through kidney disease and overcoming Covid 19 I pressed. The first one in my family out of 11 children I pressed. A husband of a beautiful wife Shiniqua 15 years, seven awesome children, one daughter in law, and one grand baby. I am pressing forward to accomplish greater with the help of Lord Jesus! My motto is “WCHGODMV”!


Yolanda McBridge
Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army
Doctorate of Education in Christian Leadership: Ministry Leadership

Anything worth having is worth fighting for! Remain resilient in your duty as well as your education! God’s grace is sufficient!

It has been by God’s grace and mercy towards this small-town girl who grew up in Louisiana, that has enabled me to pursue a master’s as well as this Doctorate degree at Liberty University. The educational journey here has been food for my spiritual soul. The paths crossed with others have already proven to be lifetime bonds with Christ at the center. I am a stronger Christian, wife, mother, soldier, sister, and friend because of the Christian education I have received at Liberty University. I will forever be a champion for Christ! Thank you, Liberty University.


Peter Spolarich
Tech Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Executive Certificate in Business Administration

When you feel yourself getting frustrated, take a step back, take a break, but never give up on your dreams.

I joined the Air Force to see the world and maybe get an education. In 2011 my dad passed away and reality set in that he never saw me earn a degree. I slowly started to chip away at my Associates finally earning it in 2015. Then I moved onto my Bachelor’s and suddenly I am working on a Master’s. In 2019 I said I was done with school and would start to focus on beginning the retirement process and looking for a job.

Then 2020 rolled around and I was sitting at home, “teleworking” and I get this sudden urge to go back to school and earn my Doctorate. My family and friends said I was crazy, but supported my decision and almost two years later I have started the Applied Doctoral Research Project phase which is projected to be completed by the start of 2023.

This journey has been difficult at times but well worth it. As I reflect back on my educational journey from start to finish, I have no regrets as I know God guided me through this amazing adventure and that my Dad would be proud of me and the person I have become.


Richard Lamonica
Retired U.S. Army SFC
Executive Certificate in Criminal Justice

Chase your goals, they will not chase you!

I grew up in Jersey City, NJ in a working Middle-class home with two brothers and a sister in a three-bedroom railroad apartment. In 1993 I left college and went on active duty in the Army. In 2015 I finally attained my BS in Homeland Security and Emergency Management just before I retired. I was challenged in 2018 to attain a Masters’s Degree which I accomplished in 2020 but was not finished. I was told I did not have what it takes to attain a Doctorate so I took the challenge again and started my journey through Liberty University. I attained this Executive Certificate in Criminal Justice in 2021 and will complete the journey in 2023 with the support of my wife Gwen.


Shawn Holland
U.S. Army Reserves
Master of Arts in Executive Leadership

I hope the ones who are on this journey of self-development find these words as encouraging as I have. Max Lucado said, “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”

As military service members, we are trained to pursue professional military education (PME) as well as self-development. I used this opportunity while managing a fence construction company, teaching ROTC as my Reservist obligation, assistant coaching a college cross country team, and coaching middle school wrestling. I only mention this to encourage others as while time is always going to be an obstacle, we can overcome as our Lord will not place upon you, anymore than you can handle.


Erin Stevens
Navy Spouse
Master of Arts in Executive Leadership

Take your time. Do not rush into a degree and burn-out before you complete it.  Keep up a steady and manageable pace. I took one class a semester.

My active-duty husband wanted to begin his masters. I was a bit annoyed as it felt like he had been in school or training our entire relationship/marriage. So, I decided to do it with him. It was a stressful and exhausting two years, but we sat at our desks six nights a week and completed work together, yet separately (he was attending a different university and in a different program). We were able to encourage each other and work hard together to achieve our individual goals.  I would have never gotten a masters if it weren’t for him. I’m excited to use my leadership experience, and now degree, to serve an organization soon!  Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to better myself and be challenged as I completed each course in my degree.  Blessings!


Donald Balsavich
U.S. Army Veteran
Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership

With God all things are possible.

It has been a lifelong goal of mine to earn a terminal degree. After leaving active duty, I immediately began my career in education and started a family. Over time, my goal seemed out of reach due to time constraints and costs, but a friend told me to look into Liberty University’s military tuition rates. My wife and I prayed about the decision and together we decided it would be possible. I want to thank Jesus my family, and Liberty University for providing me with the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong professional goal.


Robert Lewis
Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant
Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Not your will, But Gods will be done.

In 2016 I sensed a call to go to seminary. I started at another school but stopped because of funding.  One day I heard God ask me, “Why did you stop doing what I called you to”. I said my funds were low and God said, “You have been promoted twice, since I called you.  I immediately when to my computer and began to search for seminaries. I contacted Liberty University and spoke with and advisor and began my journey to my Master’s degree. I stopped a few times, but God told me to keep going. I wanted to be better equipped to assist in any local church I am a part of and desire to go into fulltime ministry. The training at Liberty was intense and I recommend it to anyone seeking a degree, especially in ministry.  The pursuit will not be easy, but the benefits to the Kingdom is what matters most.  I appreciate the staff and faculty for walking me through this season in my life.


Steven Stoddard
U.S. Army Retired
Doctorate of Strategic Leadership

Continue to move forward one class at a time.

I joined the army with only a GED and 15 college hours. When I retired, in 2010, I had a bachelors and was working on a master’s degree. During Liberty’s 50th anniversary and on the 50th birthday I completed my doctorate. Being in the military is one part of the equation. Receiving an education will make you well rounded and marketable. Continue to move forward and do not give up until your goals are met. Then set new ones.


Eric Amdal
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Above all else, never quit and never give up.

After serving in the military, I knew I wanted to become a pilot. Liberty offered great programs for students that could not attend on campus. I enrolled in Liberty’s aviation program and started flying back in 2016. After finishing my flight training, I continued my education through Liberty Online. It offered me flexibility while working a full-time job and spending time with my wife and three children. The instructors are great and forgiving during difficult times. I would recommend Liberty University to anyone I meet. I have finally accomplished my goal of graduating with my Bachelor’s degree.


Thomas Easterly
U.S. Army Retired
Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership

Never Give Up.

As I began my journey halfway through it, I was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma/kidney cancer. I had to have my right kidney removed and took a break from my studies. I then picked them right back up and today I am a graduate with a Doctor of Education.


Jenice Jenkins
Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Master of Business Administration: Supply Chain Management

If you are a student on the journey at Liberty University, I urge you to stay in constant prayer, stay dedicated, and seek a relationship with our Creator God Almighty! Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Life can be difficult and unfair! Through many trials, hurts, and life events, I sought and chased after God. I chose LU to pursue my MBA because of its foundational principles centered around God. I am placing God in all I do! This journey has come with balancing life, personal, and military commitments. It has not been easy, but it can be overcome. Overcoming takes continuous prayer, dedication, resilience, perseverance, but most importantly God’s grace, mercy, and favor.

My testimony is still being written. I am grateful to have stayed strong when I was weak, to have pushed through when I wanted to quit, to have faith when I was in doubt, and to believe when I had unbelief. Through God’s goodness, I am officially graduating with high distinction with my Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Supply Chain and Logistics! Thank you, Jesus!

We ARE Champions for Christ!


Michael Kelly
Petty Officer First Class in the U.S. Navy
Master of Divinity: Youth and Family Ministries

My goal at my 12-year mark was to spend eight more years in the Navy, finish my masters, and then retire. I have been able to do this on shore duty, and at sea. By utilizing Tuition Assistance, and other forms of aid, it is possible to reach great heights and further your education. If you retire or separate and get your G.I. Bill, it’s entirely possible to have the military provide financial assistance from Associates to PhD. Good luck!

I returned to college after 10 years in the Navy. I knew I had been called to ministry, but I wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like. I simply started and continued one term at a time. I have done all my education at Liberty through the Online programs. This meant I spent most nights from 8-11 p.m. reading and writing. As each term progressed, I simply maintained my pace taking two classes at a time. Here I am at the end of my Master of Divinity. This is the culmination of an 8-year journey of taking classes on shore duty and some at sea. All along the way, I can say with great assurance that the faculty was there when I needed them, responding to emails, answering calls, and of course standing by my side while the online school converted from Blackboard to Canvas.

While some universities may have a major difference between how a course is taught between residential and online students, I can say my experience is that we all got to learn the same way regardless of the medium of choice. Being a military student here at Liberty has not been a disadvantage. Not only does the school have one of the most generous discounts for military students that I have seen in a seminary program, but the representatives that are located on the military bases give incredible support! Having the liaisons on base has been a great service from the school!

I have been blessed by Liberty and the military! My family has been at my side all the way. There have been hard times with many classes taking away from family time while having me studying Hebrew and Greek, Church History. This journey is not over, but the finish line that I am crossing is one of the most survived journeys for my family and myself. As I go through this graduation weekend, I’ll be remembering the verse from the book of James that says “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” (James 1:25, ESV)

For those who have graduated before us, thank you for preparing the way. For those who are graduating this weekend, congratulations on your journey. For those who are coming up behind us, know that the path may be hard at times, but keeping close to God along the way will make the journey sweeter and a path that you will be proud that you walked! God bless us as we take the next steps in our lives. May God get all the glory!


McEvans Tomety
Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force Reserves
Master of Divinity: Theology

With God all things are possible. Do not give up. Be strong in body, mind, and soul.

Enrolling in the Master of Divinity program was very challenging, and my family sacrificed by supporting me and giving me the space to study. I thank my wife especially for always being there and for encouraging me to pursue my dreams. There were times when I missed spending time with my kids, but their smiles inspired me to do more as long as I still had breath. My parents and their prayers for me were invaluable and I thank God for them. I give my greatest gratitude to God for giving me the grace and strength to graduate. To God be the glory.


Megan Wallace
Active Duty in the U.S. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

When I was a kid, I thought people who attended college had their entire life figured out. I must have skipped that semester. The journey to graduate with a bachelor’s degree was anything but conventional. Even though there were curves, bumps, and roadblocks along the way, they all brought me to this point, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I started classes on my first deployment and sometimes the internet would go out right in the middle of a test and then the computer would shut down before I was able to save my almost finished essay. There were a lot of emails to my teachers asking and praying that they would believe me and accept my late assignments.

One thing that kept me motivated during these four years was my grandma, who throughout my childhood stressed the importance of completing school. It was her pure and genuine character and her love of education that inspired me to gain as much of an education as I can because she never had that opportunity. I draw inspiration from a few other women in my life, including my mother, who is the strongest woman I’ve ever known, and my grandma-maw, whose passionate heart I strive to emulate.

Thank you to my husband for believing in me more than I believed in myself. This journey in my life was a distinguishing factor in who I am today, and I am so incredibly grateful for this experience and the life I have created.


Craig Cooper
CSM in the U.S. Army
Master of Arts in Executive Leadership

The truly important goals are worth the effort required to reach them.

I was determined to obtain my master’s prior to my retirement. I did not realize I would do the bulk of the work during a pandemic/lockdown. Despite the late nights and the sacrifice of my leisure time, I am very grateful for having completed the program. Doing the research for my papers helped to refine and deepen my leadership techniques.


Zachary Whitsel
Sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves
Master of Public Administration: Disaster Management

Keep going. It may seem like it is taking forever to get there but you will finish.

There were a lot of ups and downs. From moving to different states, to losing jobs, to wondering if this is what I wanted to do. I kept going and now I am here and I’m happy for the process.


Nikia Zaremba
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army
Master of Arts in History

You can achieve anything with perseverance and dedication. Don’t quit on yourself!

I joined the Army as a single mother at 28 years old. It had been a lifelong dream, but life prevented me from joining at 18. That dream became more important than ever at 28 because I wanted to show my son what it meant to be an American, a patriot, and an achiever. My career took us around the world, and we grew as a family and as Americans. There were many sacrifices along the way and many rewards as well. I’m proud of my career and proud that my son followed in my footsteps and joined the Army himself at 18. The military was a wild ride, but I have no regrets!


Eve McCormack
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Law and Policy: Pre Law

Never give up on your goals and dreams. I went back to college 40 years later and got my degree. It’s never too late!

I entered the Air Force at age 18, where I served in the law office. My skill during those four years was driving heavy equipment. I was stationed at Loring Air Force, a Strategic Air Command base, in the state of Maine, and was given an honorable discharge at the end of my term. During my service I took time to go to college. Although given orders to go to Germany I chose to be discharged and get married and raise a family. During the next 40 years God blessed our family with two sons and gave me many wonderful years working in law and real estate. Two years ago, though, I went back to get my degree, and at age 60 I graduated and realized my dream of higher education. Now I’m celebrating my 40th anniversary and looking forward to seeing how God is blessing our two sons.


Chaleetra Hornes
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling: Addiction and Recovery

No matter what you have to do, to push through, push through!

God’s mercy and grace kept me! There are no other words. In July of 2021 my oxygen was at 77% when I arrived at the hospital. I was septic with double pneumonia and deemed critical. I had Covid-19 each year that I was at Liberty University and the second time having it was the most horrific and the aftereffects were even worse. I suffered from brain fog, memory loss, joint and body pain, fatigue and the overall feeling of just not being well. I was failing in school, so I hired a tutor, but continued to struggle. I would try to focus and think, and I’d draw a blank. I continued to pray, meditate and remain positive even when my mind would play tricks on me. I stayed positive as no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I made it and I’m here! MY GOD IS GOD!


Alan Ware
U.S. Army Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice: Criminal Psychology

Keep your focus on God and your goal and what you set out to accomplish will come to be.

After leaving the Army I realized I never finished what I had started 20 years ago. I wanted to finish my degree and set an example for my kids, so I enrolled at Liberty University. Three years later, and I am graduating from college in front of my family.


Lisa Weakland
Air Force Spouse
Bachelor of Science in History

“Never, never, never give in!”

“It has been a long journey to get to this point. John Lennon said it best, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” I intended to graduate high school, go to college, graduate, travel, and settle down. But God has his own plans for you. I got married a year after high school to an amazing husband, tried college part-time, and joined the corporate world for a few years. I moved, lost my corporate job, then took up a new role as a mom, and left the pursuit of my degree behind entirely. I then focused on supporting my husband as we decided to join the military. We moved as far away as we had ever been from home and had another child. A few years passed and I tried returning to the corporate world. There I quickly realized that this was not what I should be doing. It was time for me to take my degree off the back burner and make my education and passion a priority in my life. When I looked into Liberty University, God immediately affirmed to me this was where I needed to go to finish my degree. I can hardly believe that I have made it to this point. There were a lot of long nights and hard work. While this part of the journey is at an end I will never stop learning and growing. I am so grateful for all the advisors, counselors, and professors that encouraged me, challenged me, and inspired me to keep going.”


Randolph Prudent
U.S. Army Veteran
Education Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction

Continue to persevere, it will pay off. Treat earning this degree like any other vital mission.

Since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be a scholar or scientist. My educational trek spans pretty much all my life. I have finally reached my terminal degree, but I will not stop learning. What keeps me learning is my philosophy that education is the great equalizer! I was the first in my family to earn a bachelor’s degree and now I’m the first to earn a doctorate. Praise God!


Dave Harmon
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Use your Warrior Spirit to prevail. Never give up, stay humble, stay hungry for the Word. Just as the apostle Paul did. Fight the good fight, run the good race, and finish well!

I was familiar with Liberty University through social media connections and friends at JAARS. My parents had served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for twenty years and my dad had been a JAARS pilot in Brazil. I knew I wanted to attend a Christian University with a strong aviation program. I loved every minute of my time at Liberty, and I felt the presence of the LORD all around me, every step of the way. Fortunately for me, the LORD provided me with a talented and encouraging group of professors who never let me give up. About a year into the degree program, I lost my job and had to move out of the city I had lived in for thirty years as I pursued new employment. Through it all, my professors worked with me, prayed for me, and encouraged me. They were seemingly more determined than I was not to let me slip through the cracks. They never let go, I never let go, and most of all, the LORD never let go. Here I am with degree in hand, Praise be to the LORD!   Liberty University will forever hold a special place in my heart! I will leave you with a verse that I found helpful then and now. “But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18 HCSB)


Rickey Dixon
SFC in the U.S. Army National Guard AGR
Associate of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

Your strength comes from overcoming what you thought you could not do.

My journey began immediately after High School. I enlisted into the US Army from a small school in SC to earn benefits for college. After leaving active duty, and attending a university, I lost sight of what was important as I grew used to constant income and worldly pleasures. After 25 years of service, I felt my dad thump me in head while sleeping as he did when I was in high school. I heard his voice in my ear with some familiar words. He said, “get your butt up and go to school”. I listened. Thanks dad!


Stanley Cobbs
U.S. Army Veteran
Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership

When you are in pursuit of any thing in life it’s the process that will define your destiny.  I am grateful for the obstacles during this process because it made me push harder and climb higher and higher to reach my destiny. We often give up because of the process but it’s in the process that we learn who we were in the past, who we are in the present and who we will be in the future.  Embrace your process because it is truly defining your destiny. God bless you all.

I started my journey in 2014 at Liberty University and since then I have earned a BS degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Human Services Counseling, a graduate level certificate in Global Health and will complete a doctoral level study as an Education Specialist . I am returning in the Summer to complete my EDD. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it. My life will never be the same because of the education I received at Liberty University.


Shanasia Freeman
E5 in the U.S. Navy
Juris Master of Health Law

Self-belief and hard work will always win! Keep God first in all that you & he will direct you and crown your efforts with success!

The journey to get here has not been swift. But with God, perseverance, and the support of my family I was able to master my aspirations by turning my goals into reality. Thank you, family, I love you!


Judith Berthaud
Army Spouse
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling: Life Coaching

I would like to encourage the military students to keep focusing on their mission and school assignments. Courage, determination, and faith in God will give you the strength to achieve your goals.

“I am beautifully and wonderfully made” (Imago Dei) (New International Bible, Psalm 139:14)

During the Covid 19 pandemic, Twenty-seven years after receiving a bachelor’s degree from New York University I decided to enroll in the master’s degree program in Counseling and coaching at Liberty University where my three nieces and three nephews graduated. My sister is currently working on a doctoral degree program as well.

It was hard for me to adjust to the new technology, APA formats, E-books, navigating web browsers, posting videos on YouTube, making PowerPoint presentations, submitting assignments on blackboard or canvas, etc.

After obtaining a weak score on my first assignment, I wanted to drop out. My husband encouraged me to stay on track. According to a Chinese proverb, “Every mountain can be climbed one step at a time.” he added, “God did not give you a spirit of fear.”. After hearing this, I started to focus more on my goal. Days and nights blended into what felt like never ending hours to work on my assignments, meet deadlines and obtain the best scores possible. The early mornings and late-night hours became my favorite studying times. As Winston Churchill stated, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

I could have never achieved this milestone without the guidance of my professors, who always answered my questions promptly, as well as faculty support. Furthermore, the school’s Christian worldview allowed me to draw closer to God and continue to honor Him with what I learn, accomplish, and achieve. I thank the school for its consideration and recognition. Today I am graduating with high honors and am shouting, according to the Bible, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (New International Bible, Philippians 4:13). Shalom!


Kelly Stookey
Air Force Spouse
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

It may seem like it is taking forever, but it is so worth it!

I began my university journey in 1987 as a young Air Force spouse. My husbands time in the field, adding children to our family and PCSing created distractions for me that made school work difficult. As we progressed through my husbands career and many degree programs for him, I desired to one day return to at least complete my Bachelors degree. After waiting so many years, I was finally in a position to give more attention to studies. I returned to school full time to complete my bachelors degree and then continued onto Liberty for my Masters. When I completed my program in December, 2021, I had been a proud Air Force spouse for over thirty-six (36) years and my husband retired six weeks before my degree was conferred. This has been the best journey!


Melissa King
E5 in the U.S. Navy
Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice

Do not let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Keep working hard to achieve your goals and let God lead you every step of the way. No matter how old or young you are you have Got this!

My journey to obtain my associate degree has come a long time. I started this dream initially in 2007 when my high school offered to attend a Career Center for the first half of the school day. I chose to participate in Protective Services, where I learned about Criminal Justice, Policing, Telecommunications, Homeland Security, Basic First Aid, CPR, Firefighting, and Emergency Medical Services. Throughout my Junior and Senior years, I obtained enough skills that I could have entered the workforce but chose a different path. I was accepted into two prestigious Criminal Justice Degree paths but took a different route. After graduation, I took a couple of years off. I then enlisted in the United States Navy, becoming an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman or Parachute Rigger. It has been an honor and privilege in my 11 years serving as a PR2, but God knew that I always had a passion for Criminal Justice. In June 2015, I started my online journey at Liberty University, and I took some classes throughout the summer, fall, and part of the spring semester. Life and the Military happened, causing me to pause my dream. I thought I would never have the chance to go back until God opened a door for me in January 2021. I started school again, and after over a year and some months, I am finally graduating with my AA in Criminal Justice. My journey has just begun again, and I will continue to strive with whatever God has planned.


Meredith Eckard
Marine Corps Spouse
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Military Resilience

If you think you cannot, you can.

As a spouse caregiver to a combat disabled Marine, my goal has always been to engross myself with the most knowledge that I can in order to understand my role as not only a caregiver and a spouse, but as a parent to our teen boys who are dealing with the secondary PTSD trauma. I started my degree journey in the Summer of 2020 after Liberty added in the Military Resilience specialization to the degree programs. During this two year journey for a four year degree I have come up against some steep odds that could have knocked me back, but that is not what military families do, we just adapt and overcome. I am excited to move forward with my knowledge that I have attained here in my short time at Liberty with the future opening of a therapeutic retreat center aimed to serve spouse caregivers and post 9/11 combat disabled service members.


Coker Palmer
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant
Bachelor of Science Religion: Biblical and Theological Studies

God will work miracles in your life, if you submit to His will.

I had a late calling to serve God and as Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in education produces he best returns.”


Marte Gifford
Sergeant First Class in the U.S. Army
Master of Science in Sports Management: Coaching and Athletic Administration

Do not fall for the excuses and put off for tomorrow what you can accomplish today. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep grinding away, step by step, one class at a time!

Through many deployments, random missions, national outbreaks and PCS moves. Fighting with GOARMY ED and Army Ignited, coming out of pocket when the funds were there but would not talk to Liberty’s pockets. My wife put her foot in my butt and prayed me through my bachelor’s and this Master’s degree. The desire to quit through those frustrating times came but with God all things are possible. Be Encouraged and Get’r Done! Mission Complete, Doctorate here I come.


Joel Nelson
1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army National Guard
Master of Divinity

Keep your eyes on target. It is a marathon.

One of my mentors once said God’s call into ministry is a call to prepare. He shared this with me as I shared with him that I was beginning to feel God leading me to start seminary. He encouraged me to pray over my options and then take the step of faith and commit. While completing my M.Div., I have been working full-time (and some additional part-time jobs), completing pastoral internships, serving in the National Guard, working in pastoral roles in a local church, and helping my dear wife (who is amazing) raise our two beautiful daughters (who are also amazing). It was challenging to find balance at times, but my family and close friends have been encouraging and understanding of the sacrifices necessary to get here. Hudson Taylor once said, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” I believe if the LORD has called us to it, He will always be faithful to give each one of us exactly what we need to accomplish the mission and grow to depend on Him more in the process. “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me” (Col. 1:28-29).


Zachary Posmoga
Petty Officer First Class in the U.S. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Military Studies: History

Never give up.  Keep calm and remember it pays to be a winner!  With Christ, in the end, we win.

Enlisting into the military for the opportunity to serve my country and grow as a person, I began looking for a University and a degree to finally complete what I had started many years ago after high school graduation.  Liberty leapt out at me at some point and once I completed my initial requirements and goals in the military I started school again with Liberty using my Tuition Assistance.  Liberty is terrific with their military folks and is also great with incorporating a Christian worldview so I immediately felt comfortable as a newer born-again Christian.  At my first “Shore duty” I have been able to complete the rest of my requirements for a bachelors degree in Military Studies: History.  When I had the time to complete University at a younger age and as a single man, I was too busy enjoying making money as a union carpenter and living the fast life in California.  At a bar, drunk, the Lord spoke to me and said He had bigger plans for me.  Jeremiah 29:11.  I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, got baptized with my soon to be wife, enlisted in the US Navy, then got married, and now after 7 years in the Navy will finally graduate with a Bachelors degree after 21 years out of high school.  The University has been a blessing and I like being a part of it even though I am stationed overseas.  The Liberty Convocations are awesome to watch too!  God bless Liberty University and God bless the United States of America.


Andrew Palm
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership

You are guaranteed success and victory if you do not give up. If you know that God put you on the path you are on, then your only path to obedience is to continue to persevere. God will always show you the way forward, even when it looks like there is not a way. Do not grow weary in well doing for you will reap a whirlwind of harvest if you do not give up.

I started my journey at Liberty with a Master’s degree in Education. It seemed that the Master’s program was a prep course for the doctorate program, and I really felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to continue my educational journey. I knew that if I waited it would never happen, so I continued into the fall semester after my graduation. My time in the Marine Corps taught me to never give up no matter how difficult the struggle became. That, coupled with the guidance and strength from the Holy Spirit propelled me forward through many hours of studying and research; long nights and weekends, fatigue, sickness, and adversity. Many times, I did not know how I was going to prevail, but I knew the only way out was forward. The pandemic extended my research timing requirements and made data collection more difficult. I traveled to Colombia (Latin America) to finish my research and writing. I am a living testimony that where God guides, He provides. I also know that when God gives you his vision for your life, hard work alone, without God’s provision, is never enough. My faith has been strengthened and my vision sharpened. I am ready for whatever is next.


Rebecca Cintron
Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Master of Arts in Executive Leadership

Keep going, no matter the challenge!

I started this degree 6 years ago. While that seems like a long time for a 2-year program, I had a 3-month-old little girl at the time and had two more kids in the time I completed this degree. It was hard, and I needed the time, but it was worth all the late nights. Keep working toward your goals! Forward progress is what matters, even if it is in small steps.


Toya Jennings
Active Duty in the U.S. Air Force
Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Please read Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents). Service members, veterans, and spouses understand that when we have God given talents, we need to use them and apply them to receive and give more talents back to God and others. We came to Liberty not just to expand our knowledge (talent) and get a degree (talent) but to do it with God as the foundation. Our service and sacrifice to our country and for our families are only part of the story. Putting God first before all things and returning to use the talents he provided you by attending a university that leads with Christ first is the ultimate service. To those graduating, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Now, go forth and do His work with the additional talents you have gained. To those still in the process, continue to have the faith of a mustard seed as you study and write and read as you approach your goal. Keep him as the focus and pray for mental strength, patience, and determination before you begin your daily studies. Without God I would not have made it to this point, but he gave me the strength to reach a point I never imagined. A Grad student at Liberty University. Thank you, Jesus! God Bless you all!!!

This journey was all in God’s plan. I went straight into the Army at 18 when I had scholarships (it wasn’t the right time). Then I was out of the service, married, and had a new job at 24 (it wasn’t time). My wife got stationed overseas and we had to uproot when things seemed great (it wasn’t time). The time was in my 40’s, when I was married with 8 kids, and a busy schedule. God said now and I listened. Now I have an Associates, Bachelors, and in May 2022 my Masters at 47. God is good!!! Hallelujah!!!



Latoya Cooper
CW2 in the U.S. Army
Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Perseverance is key… just believe in yourself, and always remember to extend yourself a little grace. Your educational journey should be a marathon not a sprint.

My journey at Liberty University has been both humbling and rewarding. Pursing an education, at any level, comes with unique challenges and sacrifices, but my faith, family, and friends kept me grounded and focused. As a first-generation college student, words cannot express how proud I am to have carved a path for future generations. Liberty did that… Liberty helped me break barriers and I am

grateful for all the faculty and staff that pushed me along the way to see my dream to the end.


Latoya Lynn
Navy Spouse
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling

Keep going! No matter how long it takes!

I started Liberty with the hopes to become a licensed clinician. My husband was deployed and we had no kids so this was a great time and I knew I could finish fast. Well seven years later, two kids later, three PCS moves later, three deployments later, eight job changes later, two degree changes later, a pandemic later, I DID IT! I didn’t end up with the degree I wanted but in my many experiences I learned that’s not the path I wanted to go down. Life teaches you to be flexible and we never know where God wants us but I believe God put me where I needed to be in His timing. So my journey was hard and long but I DID IT!


Veronica Jackson
Marine Spouse
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

Dedication and hard work will pay off. Keep focused and determined on your goal and don’t let travel or moving stop your progress because Liberty online can go with you.

Leaving everything I knew and PCSing with my husband to Japan afforded me plenty of time and opportunity for self-discovery. Hence. acquiring more education became my new goal because the military discount combined with the flexible accessibility of online learning and the opportunities that additional education would afford me upon our return stateside was a win-win. With hard work, dedication, and a determined spirit, I started my EdS and completed it upon return stateside. I took a break due to the transition of work, life, and readjusting to a hectic life stateside but was encouraged to work toward my doctorate amidst a pandemic. Again, all things aligned and the new journey began. Fast forward through a few obstacles. lots of late nights and prayers, tears, and my support village coupled with will and determination, I am a graduate of the Class of 2022.


Ebony Blount
SPC in the U.S. Army
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Christian Counseling

“If you quit, you will never know what you could have become. So keep going so you can become all that you imagined”

I started on my Bachelor’s degree back in October 2020. I was stationed in El Paso, Tx for an entire year. During that time I continued my education. Day in and day out, I worked hard to ensure I completed assignments on time. Being away from family and having the stress of the current mission that I was on, was hard. Many days I wanted to quit, I wanted to “take a break,” but I knew that if I ever stopped, I would not want to continue. In 2021, I begin to have swelling in my feet that would last for days. After numerous test, it was found that I had two veins in both of my legs that was causing insufficient blood flow that was causing the swelling in my feet. They had to perform two minor operations on my legs to redirect the blood flow so that it could stop the swelling. Through all of that, I continued my education because I knew I had to finish. Shortly after repairing those veins, they found that I had a small tumor that was wrapped around my rib cage and surgery was the best option. During this time, I still had soldiers to assist, I was still providing spiritual counsel and continuing with the mission. MY journey to graduation was not easy at all, but I knew it would be worth it. I received my diploma in November 2021 with a GPA of 3.9, Summa Cum Laude.


Ykea Zimmerman
Navy Spouse
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Always remember to put God first in everything that you do.  You can achieve your dreams and goals. Never give up and keep pushing forward no matter how hard it gets. If it’s worth having, then it’s worth fighting for.

My personal journey to graduation has been rough at times, but I was able to get through it by the grace of God. I have enjoyed my time at Liberty University through the ups and downs. I am glad I was able to achieve my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration because I wanted to be able to grow my nonprofit organization to the next level and be able to help people and give all the glory to God because He has brought me where am today.


Elena Grimm
Navy Spouse
Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling: Military Resilience

I have flown nearly 5,000 miles to be here today because this beautiful journey means so much more to me than a piece of paper. There have been countless behind-the-scenes joys and sacrifices that have indelibly contributed to this experience. I never would have made it this far without the loving encouragement and endless support of my husband, family, and friends. Having my three sons watching online right now makes this moment more meaningful than words can express. Attending Liberty University has blessed me the unique opportunity to collaboratively pursue passions within my faith, mental health advocacy, and heart for the military community. Throughout this entire process, God’s perfect plan for my life has felt especially significant, considering at one point in time I was just a 6 year old orphan in foster care feeling completely lost and broken. Yet, I am thankful for every single step that led me to this point today. I am here to affirm that it’s okay to not know your life goals by 18. It’s never too late to follow your dreams!


Jared Warren
U.S. Army Veteran
Masters of Business Administration

One class or a handful, keep going the time flies by. Never Quit!

I started while on active duty, one class at a time, studied in the field, read in my car after PT, did homework on lunch breaks, kept going and now as a veteran I am finishing. Took a term break a couple of times in order to move (twice), but here I am, at the end of the journey. It has been a great experience and I encourage all military students to find every opportunity to succeed.


Anthony Bean
E6 in the U.S. Air Force
Master of Divinity: Chaplaincy

Eat the frog first!

My journey began in the US Army. My best friend and I served in the 82nd Airborne Division together. Although we did not begin as friends, Chris’ love for God won me to Christ. We often spoke of becoming military chaplains together. When he was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, I switched to AF and vowed to pursue the requisite education to become an AF chaplain in my friend’s honor. In 2015 I contracted a severe brain condition and began having seizures, which temporarily disrupted my plans. After two brain surgeries, occupational therapy, and a lot of prayers, I have been completely seizure-free for the past five years. I owe so much to God, my family, friends, and coworkers, for helping me reach my goals. I am grateful for the excellent educational experiences I have received at Liberty University as a graduate student. I am humbled by the opportunity to continue my service to God, my country, and my fellow service members and their families.


Lorena Fernandez-Fuertes
VSPC in the V.D.F.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Human Resources

Don’t give up! Make it happened…

My journey is full of challenges and hard work. I cannot believe I can go this far. I am a single parent and presently working in the government for twenty-eight years. On top of that, I am a member of the Virginia Defense Force. Being a member of the Virginia Defense Force, I was able to participate in the Military Tuition Fee Assistance Program to receive my degree.


Donald Thatcher
U.S. Navy Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Christian Leadership and Management

Stay the course, the journey is worth it

My story starts many years ago. I had just turned seventeen, realizing my life was going nowhere, I joined the US Navy. Upon completion of my four-year enlistment, I was planning to go to college for the purpose of entering fulltime ministry. However, life got in the way and those plans were put on hold. Throughout my career I have been blessed to be a participant in various ministries within the church, but I have always felt I missed out with the deeper things of the Christian life. After deciding to go for my online degree at Liberty University, the journey began with tremendous support from family and friends. When Covid hit our area, we felt the impact and lost one of our business locations, causing a great deal of duress within the blended family. We continued to have faith in our Lord that he will fulfill his purpose in our lives. Though the road has been filled with

 many obstacles, the journey has been well worth the effort. At sixty-three a new journey is about to begin.

God Bless!


Naquasha Hill
Captain in the U.S. Army
Master of Science in Nursing: Nurse Educator

Never stop developing yourself. Improving organizations begins with you!

I started my MSN journey while stationed in South Korea. After several years of nursing experience, I realized teaching medics and other Army nurses came natural to me. Liberty University provided the literature and supporting evidence necessary to improve my teaching philosophy. As a first generation college student, I understand and appreciate the process of becoming the subject matter expert in the field of nursing. My commitment is not only to serving in the United States Army, but also to increasing the clinical knowledge of those who serve. I began as a nursing assistant 11 years ago and I am overwhelmed with God’s faithfulness. My journey to nurse educator has been accompanied with many setbacks and difficulties, but I am thankful for the process. I take great pride in paying it forward by assisting students reach their academic goals.


Jacob Delargy
Active Duty in the U.S. Army
Bachelor of Science in History

Keep going and finish strong. I enrolled at Liberty in 2018 and completed my BS in History through the Army’s TA program. The professors and staff at LU we incredibly supportive through my entire experience. Finishing my degree was something that I will always be thankful for and it is a major stepping stone for my career. Any Service Member who had the chance to do this should go for it. You won’t regret it!


Doretha Overstreet
Navy Spouse
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry: Homiletics

Dreams are lovely, but they are just dreams. Dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.

After 10 years of toiling over the decision to attend seminary, and speaking with my former pastor/uncle I decided to attend seminary to enhance the call of God on my life. Not realizing that my acceptance to this Call would also bring some serious challenges and difficulties, I moved forward with what I felt to be the responsible thing to do for my walk with Christ.  ministry work.  What I didn’t realize was that 2020 would turn out to be the most challenging year of my life.


    On April 15, 2020, I suffered from a stroke and was hospitalized for more two months. While in the hospital I realized that I couldn’t walk, talk, or use my right hand. I was devastated to say the least!!! After I was discharged from my inpatient stay I was transferred to inpatient rehab where I began my long road to recovery with a very rigorous schedule of physical therapy five days a week for 8 weeks straight.  Before I had the stroke, I was just 3 weeks away from completing my masters in divinity.  All I would think about while I was in rehab was what do I have to do to complete my advance degree.  One day my husband came to visit me I asked him, “what happened to my class”? He told me that my professor told him there was nothing my professor could do and that he would have to give me a failing grade for the semester. My husband said that he was not going to let me fail, so he explained my situation with the Academic Advisor (Ms. Keri Alker) who allowed me the opportunity to withdraw from the class, which meant that I would have a chance to be re-instated once I was ready to complete my degree.


On January 10, 2022, I enrolled back into the Divinity program with Liberty University and on March 8, 2022 I can say that God is in control and I have completed my master’s degree program.


Flame Cleveland
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant
Master of Arts in Education: Higher Education

I started out pursuing a bachelors degree eight years ago in my last year on active duty. My educational journey was challenging due to my military obligations, relocating multiple times, the pandemic, and deaths in my family. At one point things in my life were so challenging that I didn’t take any courses for twelve consecutive months. Despite life’s challenges, I restarted my educational journey taking no more than two classes a semester. I took breaks around the holidays. Though I took lots of breaks, each course I completed brought me a step closer to  my educational goals. Each one of those small steps accumulated and helped me to earn a Masters degree. I am more encouraged and have confidence in knowing that even taking small steps can make big dreams come true. Therefore, I will continue to dream big and encourage myself and others to keep stepping forward toward dreams/goals. Walk by faith and not by sight because all things are possible through Christ who gives us strength.


Jean-Claude Tabb
U.S. Navy Veteran
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Addiction and Recovery

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy before HS graduation because I always wanted to be a sailor as well as travel the world and my parents could only afford to send my twin sis to college.  Although I was never stationed aboard a ship I worked in Naval Intelligence and was able to travel the world anyway. After 6 years of service, I was discharged honorably as a 4.0 sailor but suffered from PTSD and struggled with an on and off drug addiction for 25 years. During a long stay at The Perry Point VA Medical Center, in Perryville Md.  I got clean and sober so I went back to school, while there, eventually received an AA degree, and began work as a substance use disorders counselor in Baltimore City. Now, I am answering my call to serve God by serving others who have the same struggles. I recently began work at a Veterans organization dedicated to helping homeless veterans struggling with mental health issues as well as PTSD and substance use disorders. I’m graduating from Liberty with a BS in Addiction and Recovery Psychology, and have been accepted into Liberty’s Master’s Program beginning this August. I attribute my ability to overcome my addictions to the surrendering of my life and my will over to the care of God through Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to being more effective in helping our veterans overcome their struggles as well as being an officer in God’s war against addiction(s).


Bradley Deramus
1st Lt in the U.S. Army Reserve
Master of Divinity: Military Chaplaincy

Persevere. Don’t be a Jonah & run from your call. I ran away and joined the circus (Ringling brothers Barnum & Bailey). Then I lost home & job in 2017 when it closed. 10yrs from when God called me in 2009, I finally heeded Gods call and pursued what God asked me to do in 2018. Then in 2020 I ascension as a chaplain candidate. Now I’m a 1LT ministering to soldiers. In 1-3yrs from now I hope to be an active duty chaplain. Therefore remember & follow Gods call. Pursue it with Perseverance in the race that is marked out for us. God will provide you with peace. Tho the journey may not be smooth, Gods will, will prevail and you will be satisfied by what he provides. Perseverance.

 Pro Deo Et Patria. Live the call fiercely.

“This is the way! Chapalorians”


Philip Chapman
Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant
Doctor of Business Administration: Finance

Do not give up, keep pushing forward, thank those who support you, and always keep faith in Christ!

I spent 20 years in the USAF where I retired as a Senior Financial Analyst. Throughout my career, I balanced being a husband, father, and an Airman. Even with 13 deployments, I was able to utilize tuition assistance and the GI Bill in some very challenging places to earn my Associate in Financial Management, Bachelor of Business Management, MBA, and my Doctorate in Finance.


Yohiris Martin
Army Spouse
Doctorate of Education in Community Care and Counseling

Stop overthinking, please. You can’t control everything, just let it be.

My journey to graduation has not been an easy one, but it is one I don’t regret. I am appreciative of the love and support I have received throughout this rewarding endeavor, and I learned a valuable lesson in the process. Sometimes it’s not about what others fail to see in you, because that is not what holds the power. The power lies in what you see in yourself. This is the reason I am a Solider, proudly graduating with my Master’s at the age of 22. “A (wo)man is great not because (s)he hasn’t failed; a (wo)man is great because failure hasn’t stopped them”. – Confucius

Panisha Stigger
Retired U.S. Navy E6
Doctorate of Ministry in Evangelism and Church Planting

The apostle Paul paved the way in Ephesians 3:14-21 reminding every believer to pray and become strengthened through the love of Jesus Christ. I encourage students to also pray and strive to maintain a healthy balance in their devotion to the Lord and daily living, while maintaining the faith to finish strong.

First, I give all the glory and honor to God for the humble opportunity to enroll and complete my degree. I also want to thank my husband of 24 years, our adult son, and adult daughter for years of love, prayers, and support.

My life’s theme is “It Is Not How You Start but How You Finish!”. My educational journey at Liberty was intentional because of my desire to enhance my learning in practical kingdom ministry, while balancing life, family, ministry, and work. It was impactful as my relationship with Jesus Christ enhanced and enriched me to continue echoing to the world that he is Love, Lord, and the only way to God!

Abigail Rector
Petty Officer Third Class in the US. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

It may feel overwhelming at times, but Boot Camp was overwhelming and we did it!  So you can do this, especially since you might be able to do this from the comfort of your couch lol 🙂

I joined the Navy for the GI Bill, so I could go to college.  It’s only been 30 years later from the year I should have graduated, yet I’m thankful because I believe God has worked it all out for me to attain this accomplishment at this time.  I am proud to have served my country from 1988 to 1993 and I will say a special  “thank you” to the U.S. Navy especially because I met my husband there, right at the end of boot camp, even though we weren’t supposed to be talking. Yet, here we are, 32 years later, with three successful children and two precious grandchildren, and he is still cheering me on as I meet my goal of receiving my college degree, even with no more GI Bill. I am very proud to have served alongside my husband and now to have my one and only son also serving with the Army National Guard in our home state of Arkansas with his sweet wife of almost one year.  If I have to say what prompted me onto this journey to graduation, I have to say it was the Get’s year 2020.  This was the year that many of us God-fearing Americans got a rude awakening as to the need for change in our government, change beginning with God’s people to start doing something and stop doing nothing.  I am no VIP, I am just an average gal from an average town, but low and behold, I am from the greatest country in the world and I believe we can all do a little something to make sure America will forever be so. God bless America and I give all honor and glory to God.

Aubrey Lopez
U.S. Navy Veteran
Associate of Arts in Psychology: Christian Counseling

Yesterday’s tomorrow is today… Do it Now.

Regardless of your plans, your desires, even your military career: press-in to the one who chose you (Eph. 1:4); place your trust in the one who died for us (Jn 3:16), even when we were still sinners (Rom. 5:1-11). For all we do is for His glory (Ps. 115:11), and all things work together for His good when those who love God are called move for His good design (Rom. 8:28). Eternity is real. Go now- and proclaim his glory (Jn 9:25, 1 Pt. 2:9)!

Julia Billings
Air Force Spouse
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

United States Airforce – 1952 – corporal with two years married to a military man- so I have 38 years of military service.

The first thing on your agenda, you need to get saved, then learn to trust the Holy Spirit to help you through life, He is your lifeline.

My husband died on active duty, in 1981. this gave me the opportunity to quit my job and to go to college full time. I became ill because I did not take the time to grieve, which is an important step a person must take. I worked part time with two children while simultaneously watching over three of my grandchildren. It was a labor of love taking them to practice here and there, and Liberty Online gave me the opportunity to go to college full time. Here I am. 

Sarajiki Pierson
Army Spouse
Juris Master in International Legal Studies

Keep focused on the goal that you are striving to achieve.  It is a massive accomplishment to do daily, but in the end, your drive and determination will pay off in many ways and you will find that the challenges made you stronger in character. You can accomplish anything after this.

My journey began after many years of working in the health field. My decisions led to an international legal studies program which illuminated the opportunities to help make a difference and be a champion for Christ. Because of my passion for humanity, I believe God has led me in this direction.  I am thankful for my wonderful professors who fed my zeal to achieve. The support of the Office of Military Affairs also played a significant role in me achieving these goals as they were always available at any time.  Lastly, I thank God for Liberty University and all my wonderful professors who encouraged my desire to learn about the immense global presence of God, and for him to Wakeland use us as he sees fit. I am excited for my fellow student friendships, past and present, for the memories and joy. Today, we made it to the finish line. Now, a new journey begins.

Lashawnda Key
Army Spouse
Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling

I pray that the strength of God keeps you and that you lean on God during difficult times.

I say that I chose Liberty University but, in my heart, I believe that God led me to Liberty. I have obtained a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and now my Doctorate from Liberty. I have encountered some great professors and made some great connections. I initially began my journey because I desired to understand the intricacies of PTSD as it relates to our military men and women, mostly because my husband suffers from PTSD from his time in Iraq. Because of what I have learned at Liberty I can better relate to my husband and those I assist as a chaplain with the state of North Carolina.

Tamera Williams
Retired U.S. Navy Yeoman First Class
Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership

The roads my get rough sometimes, but quitting is not be an option! Keep going, I promise it will get smoother closer to the end! 

My journey to this point of my life was not an easy task, but my drive and determination to complete a terminal degree was inevitable. I started this journey in 2015 while commuting two hours to work and two hours home daily. I was trying desperately to maintain a work life balance which can be extremely difficult at times, but in order to accomplish any goals you have to put in extra work! I kept striving and staying on course in order to get close to completing my Doctoral Degree. I am so close that I was granted permission to participate in this 2022 Commencement Ceremony: to God be the glory!  I thank my support group who constantly pushed and encouraged me along the way. I even thank my loved ones for telling me not to start this doctoral journey because of it would be difficult. This encouraged me even more to get started on becoming Doctor Tamera D. Williams. Therefore, I believe if God put something in a path before you to be received, then you must be thankful and grateful and put a plan together to achieve it. Amen!

Barbara Fuller
Army Spouse
Bachelor of Science in Psychology

There is never a time not to complete a degree. I would know as I’m almost 70 years old, and I would do it again. Blessings Going Forward!

My military journey began with my Army Infantry Vietnam Veteran husband (who served three tours). We married after his return home and he stayed in the Army for four additional years, which took us to Fort Riley, Kansas, Fort Benning, and Aschaffenburg, Germany. My husband, who fought debilitating PTSD, passed away in 2014 with lung cancer. I received his benefits, and I noticed education. My husband and I both received our GEDs in Germany, not knowing that learning was therapy. I was going down the rabbit hole of depression; I had to do something. I had been to Liberty already many times watching the Flames. GO FLAMES! The rest is history. I began my online degree in 2017 in Healthcare Management; when the pandemic hit, I changed to Psychology. I would not have made this journey without God holding my right hand. or my son, Leighton, and his wife Andrea’s love and encouragement. Blessings Going Forward

James West
Coast Guard Spouse
Master of Science in Sports Management: Administration

Keep pursuing your dream degree for your dream career.

At first, I didn’t want to continue my education after I received my Bachelor of Science in Accounting at WGU. I wanted a career in sports and my support group helped me advance my education. 18 months later, I received my Master of Science in Sports Management.

Reed McGuire
Active Duty in the U.S. Air Force
Master of Science in Exercise Science and Wellness: Fitness and Performance

Keep going!

My journey to graduation started while deployed to Iraq with a desire to become a physical therapist. Liberty was recommended to me by another Air Force guy who needed the online platform and loved attending a faith-based institution. I knew I wanted the same and I applied to Liberty. Thankfully, they accepted my GPA waiver and after completing a pre-requisite class I began the master’s program in the middle of my deployment. After Iraq my education continued in Turkey where I did most of my graduate classes. During this same time, I was inspired to grow my education outside of the classroom and became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, using a lot of what I learned in the master’s program. Towards the end of my degree, I began applying to physical therapy programs. I finished my degree in December of 2021 (Merry Christmas to me!) and a month later, found out I had been accepted into a physical therapy program at another Christian university. Liberty helped build my credibility to get into this program and more importantly, offered me a place where I could study my passion with a Christian foundation anywhere in the world. I am very proud to have been a part of the Liberty family and I would recommend Liberty to anyone. Thank you for giving us the chance to continue our education and be true to ourselves!

Wilbert Glen
Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army
Master of Arts in Applied Psychology: Developmental Psychology

Never stop learning.

It has been a long hard road. Some days I just wanted to take a knee, but I remembered something an old CSM of mine once said: “Never give up on learning”.

Matthew Morgan
Retired U.S. Air Force Tech Sergeant
Master of Business Administration

You have the power to conquer your own challenges. Pray, Commit, & Finish

Starting in the Summer of 2019, I committed myself to a better tomorrow. I recently graduated with my undergraduate degree in the Spring of 2019. This was when I took the opportunity to challenge myself. In between work, taking care of my family, and trying to take care of myself, I found that I learned how to commit my Liberty degree to my lifestyle. I took courses every term until I eventually hit the degree credit requirement. I took the challenges thrown at me with writing papers, scoring well on the exams, and finishing my discussion posts. At one point, I was sitting at my computer, and the next thing I noticed, I was in BUSI 690 finishing my capstone assignment. BUSI 690 was the hardest class I took. It required the most amount of effort, assistance from my professors, and trust. When I finished my capstone research paper, it was at that time I knew I was finished. Now not everything was easy. There were times I wanted to quit. Don’t do it, and just continue on the path. Trust me, you will finish your degree, and it will be worth it!

Aaron Figueroa Mego
Private First Class in the Army National Guard
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations: Strategic Intelligence

Keep going! It’s worth it!

My family came to this country with virtually nothing. I thank God and the United States for every opportunity I have been given. The opportunities I’ve had at Liberty are next to none. Though I’ve had some setbacks in completing my education, I feel as though I have completed this chapter and eagerly seek the next opportunity to grow and serve my country.

Jean Brunot
E3 in the U.S. Navy
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

You can do it! Do not quit and don’t take “no” for an answer when it comes to your success!

My journey to getting my degree was nothing special or supernatural. It was similar to every graduate’s journey: very challenging. Despite the acknowledgement of my existing responsibilities as a husband, a father of two beautiful children, Adrielle and Jathan, and as a junior Sailor, nothing was sufficient enough to stop me from deciding to press forward in my decision to go back to school and complete my degree. God was my strength and He delivered as He promised. As challenging as it had seemed at the beginning, I could not get started. I had to do what was necessary. I had to set the example for my kids to teach them that everything is possible with God on your side. During the process of finishing my last courses, I learned something powerful: nothing is worth pursuing if no challenges, trials, hard time, and thought of quitting are anticipated. And the beautiful moments we get to celebrate at the end are reflective of the courage and the endurance displayed during those though times. In conclusion, I want to share this quote from a mentor of mine, “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”

Kevin Dishner
CW3 in the U.S. Army National Guard CW3
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

Regardless of the obstacles you encounter along the way, keep your eye fixed on the destination.

Compared to the beginning of my Post-Secondary education journey, my time at Liberty has been relatively brief. From the moment I started here, fellow students and faculty have been unlike any other institution. Thank you!

James Teachenor
U.S. Air Force Veteran
PhD in Education: Organizational Leadership

Keep your drive but try not to be too hard on yourself. If you continue moving forward, the finish line will be behind you before you know it.

My life would be nothing without Jesus and I would have accomplished nothing without the love and support of my wife —Jen), son — Charlie, and daughter — Lily. In 2015, I left the full-time music industry and joined the U.S. Air Force with nothing more than an Associate of Arts in General Studies I had earned the winter of 2000. In basic military training, I heard about tuition assistance, and enrolled in classes within a month of completing basic and arriving with my family at my first duty station—Peterson AFB/Air Force Academy, Colorado. I was the lead singer for the Air Force Academy Band – Wild Blue Country, and we were on the road around 7-10 days a month, so I had to get creative if I wanted to stay on top of my studies. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Oakland City University (also my alma mater for my Associate of Arts) in the spring of 2017, my MBA from Troy University the fall of 2018, left the USAF in the summer of 2019–immediately enrolling in my doctoral program, and earned my PhD in Education: Organizational Leadership from Liberty University the spring of 2022. I studied on airplanes, buses, 15 passenger vans, the subway, in coffee shops, cool diners, backstage before and after shows, and in hotel rooms all across America. I come from a broken home and am the child of a high school graduate and a high school dropout. I am the first in my family to attend college. My wife—who has her Master’s in Education—is also the first in her family to attend college and is the child of a high school graduate and a high school dropout. God is always at work. Our life verses have been a combination of Genesis 12:1 and Ephesians 3:20. To Him be the glory.

Ashur McDuffie
U.S. Army Veteran
Master of Arts in Executive Leadership

Please read Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents). Service members, veterans, and spouses understand that when we have God given talents, we need to use them and apply them to receive and give more talents back to God and others. We came to Liberty not just to expand our knowledge (talent) and get a degree (talent) but to do it with God as the foundation. Our service and sacrifice to our country and for our families are only part of the story. Putting God first before all things and returning to use the talents he provided you by attending a university that leads with Christ first is the ultimate service. To those graduating, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Now, go forth and do His work with the additional talents you have gained. To those still in the process, continue to have the faith of a mustard seed as you study and write and read as you approach your goal. Keep him as the focus and pray for mental strength, patience, and determination before you begin your daily studies. Without God I would not have made it to this point, but he gave me the strength to reach a point I never imagined. A Grad student at Liberty University. Thank you, Jesus! God Bless you all!!!

This journey was all in God’s plan. I went straight into the Army at 18 when I had scholarships (it wasn’t the right time). Then I was out of the service, married, and had a new job at 24 (it wasn’t time). My wife got stationed overseas and we had to uproot when things seemed great (it wasn’t time). The time was in my 40’s, when I was married with 8 kids, and a busy schedule. God said now and I listened. Now I have an Associates, Bachelors, and in May 2022 my Masters at 47. God is good!!! Hallelujah!!!

Youdline Adam
RSC in the U.S. Navy
Master of Business Administration

No matter how difficult it may get, persistence and perseverance are key

I’ve been attending Liberty University since 2020 after applying to Thomas Edison State University. Tuition at TESU was triple the tuition at Liberty University. As a result, I could finish my program at Liberty, and I did not have to spend a lot of money out of pocket. For service members looking for an affordable school, Liberty University is ideal.

Mae Ridges
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant
Master of Arts in Professional Counseling

It’s never too late to start a new thing. Let God lead and you will succeed!

I started my journey in 2009 by promising God that I will become a Licensed Professional Counselor.  Somewhere along the way life happened but I never gave up on God and God has never given up on me!  This degree is one step towards the fulfillment of a promise made and kept alive by faith.

Panisha Stigger
Retired U.S. Navy E6
Doctorate of Ministry in Evangelism and Church Planting

The apostle Paul paved the way in Ephesians 3:14-21 reminding every believer to pray and become strengthened through the love of Jesus Christ. I encourage students to also pray and strive to maintain a healthy balance in their devotion to the Lord and daily living, while maintaining the faith to finish strong.

First, I give all the glory and honor to God for the humble opportunity to enroll and complete my degree. I also want to thank my husband of 24 years, our adult son, and adult daughter for years of love, prayers, and support.

My life’s theme is “It Is Not How You Start but How You Finish!”. My educational journey at Liberty was intentional because of my desire to enhance my learning in practical kingdom ministry, while balancing life, family, ministry, and work. It was impactful as my relationship with Jesus Christ enhanced and enriched me to continue echoing to the world that he is Love, Lord, and the only way to God!


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.


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