Home Research Research Day

Research Day

Research Day

The Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) Research Day is an annual once-a-year meeting that celebrates the research endeavors of Liberty University students and faculty, as well as healthcare professionals from regional academic institutions and practice sites. The event provides a forum to disseminate their findings with oral and poster presentations that facilitate interactions and promote new collaborations between participating institutions. As a Research Day participant, you can learn about advances in various fields such as osteopathic manipulation, infectious diseases, physiology, and psychology while discovering ways to develop your research questions.

Medical students, residents, and undergraduates who conduct research under a LUCOM biomedical or clinical faculty member may present their data.

LUCOM students and resident participants are eligible to compete for Best Poster and Best Oral presentations. Additionally, oral and poster presentations from students outside of LUCOM are encouraged and desired to foster interactions among LUCOM and surrounding institutions.

Liberty University osteopathic medical student presents research findings inside Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine.Research Day is held at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine, located inside the Center for Medical and Health Sciences on the campus of Liberty University. The address is 306 Liberty View Lane, Lynchburg, Va. 24502.

Read the Research Day 2024 story.
Questions should be submitted to LUCOM’s Center for Research by email to LUCOMResearchDay@liberty.edu.

How do you participate in Research Day?

The next Research Day will be held on Jan. 10, 2025. As a Research Day participant, you may submit a poster to share your research and display your findings. Materials should be emailed to LUCOMResearchDay@liberty.edu for review.

Important Deadlines:

  • Abstract submission (Oct. 1 through Oct. 31, 2024)
  • Meeting registration (Oct. 1 through Dec. 13, 2024)
  • Poster submission (Dec. 11, 2024 deadline)

Abstract Submission Form

Presentation Instructions


Research Day Meeting Program

2024 Research Day Winners

Best Oral Presentation – Lower Extremity Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Predict Functional Outcomes In Complete Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury.

Anthony K. Chiu*, Sabrina P. Bustos (OMS-II)**, Ovais Hasan*, Leah E. Henry*, Brittany A. Oster*, Amit S. Ratanpal*, Richard Padovano***, Parker L. Brush***, Tyler J. Pease*, Ryan A. Smith*, Julio J. Jauregui*, Louis J. Bivona*, Daniel L. Cavanaugh*, Eugene Y. Koh*, Alexander R. Vaccaro***, and Steven C. Ludwig*

* University of Maryland School of Medicine, Division of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopedics, Baltimore, Maryland

** Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lynchburg, Virginia

*** Thomas Jefferson University and The Rothman Institute, Departments of Orthopedic Surgery and Neurological Surgery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Best Poster Presentation – Prevalence and Characteristics of the Persistent Median Artery in an Adult Population: A Cadaveric Study.

Connor Ellis (OMS-III), Drew Thibault (OMS-III), Joshua Lencke (OMS-III), Karen Frieswyk (OMS- II), and Laurieanne Hemric

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lynchburg, Virginia

The presenting authors for each are underlined.

Liberty University faculty participating in Research Day as presenters are expected to disclose any real or apparent conflicts of interest related to the research being presented to  LUCOMResearchDay@liberty.edu.