Home Registrar Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)

Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)

Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)


Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) develops osteopathic physicians in a Christian environment with the values, knowledge, and skills essential for excellence in caring for the patient’s body, mind, and spirit.

Unique Characteristics of LUCOM’s Educational Program

The curriculum is built around a semester schedule utilizing an integrated, interdisciplinary, systems-based model with an emphasis on active learning. The curriculum is designed to emphasize biomedical and clinical interdisciplinary collaboration, guiding student-doctors to develop a holistic approach to medicine. LUCOM uses a community-based clinical education model.  In rural clinics and hospitals throughout the state of Virginia and across the United States, our students participate in providing healthcare to medically underserved and indigent patients. We are committed to ensuring that our students have the foundation of knowledge, skills, and competencies that will enable them to meet the needs of the wide diversity of patients they will encounter in their professional careers as physicians who dedicate themselves to excellence in osteopathic medicine through service, lifelong learning, and the advancement of medical knowledge.

Average length of enrollment (from matriculation to graduation):

The average length of enrollment for students is four years.

Information about Compliance with AAMC’s Recommendations for Medical School Transcripts

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine complies with the AAMC “Guidelines for Medical Schools Regarding Academic Transcripts” in all regards except the following: Applicable to members of the graduating Class of 2018, LUCOM replaced failing grades with a 70X if students successfully remediated a course failure – this is noted on the transcript legend.

Description of the Evaluation System

Grading is primarily based on a scale of 0 to 100*. LUCOM requires a passing grade of 70 or above for all courses; any grade below 70 is failing. The MSPE further explains grading for OMS-III core rotations. Grading for OMS-IV rotations is pass/fail.

*Other Grades

  • H — Pass with Honors (90 or above)
  • HP — High Pass (80-89)
  • S — Satisfactory (70-79)
  • U — Unsatisfactory (below 70)
  • FN — Failure for Non-Attendance
  • P — Pass
  • F — Fail
  • W — Withdrawal
  • WF — Withdrawal Failing
  • WP — Withdrawal Passing
  • I — Incomplete
  • NR — No Grade Reported (temporary grade)
  • R — Repeated Course (70) – retaken to remediate prior failure
  • X — Passed by remediation (70)
  • AU — Audited Course

Medical school requirements for successful completion of COMLEX Levels 1, 2:

COMLEX Level 1 is required for promotion and graduation; COMLEX Level 2 (CE and PE) are required for promotion and graduation.

Class of 2021 graduates: Pursuant to the COCA’s June 5, 2020, letter regarding Standard 6.12, a decision has been made by the dean to waive the requirement for achieving a passing score on the COMLEX Level 2-PE examination as a graduation requirement for students in the LUCOM Class of 2021. However, students must successfully meet all other graduation requirements as outlined in the Academic Catalog section 5.8.

Beginning with the graduating class of 2022: On Feb. 11, 2021, the NBOME announced that COMLEX Level 2-PE examinations have been postponed indefinitely while temporary alternative pathways are evaluated and developed. Students must successfully meet all other graduation requirements as outlined in the Academic Catalog section 5.8. The college of osteopathic medicine will verify that each graduate has demonstrated competency in osteopathic clinical skills necessary for graduation.


Objective Structured Clinical Evaluations (OSCEs) are required for the completion of four courses in OMS-I and OMS-II (Patient-Centered Medicine 101, 102, 201, 202). These courses, including OSCEs, are required for academic promotion.

MSPE Composition and Commentary

The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) is composed through the Office of the Registrar, Office of Clinical Education, and the Office of the Dean. Narrative comments provided by the OMS-III preceptors are included in the clinical course sections of the MSPE and are edited for length and grammar, but not content. Students are permitted to review the final MSPE. After students review the content to confirm factual accuracy, the MSPE is sent to the Office of the Dean for final approval.


Last updated: August 2024