Thursday, February 1, 2024

Speaking to a room full of student-doctors at LUCOM on Wednesday during the medical school’s weekly Convocation, Liberty President Dondi Costin emphatically shared the importance of not delaying God’s purpose for their lives.

Costin’s message marked the conclusion of LUCOM’s Convocation series titled “Waiting on God,” and he stated that his message to the student-doctors is simply that God is also waiting on them.

“The Lord is waiting on you to become the man or woman of God He wants you to be, and God loves you,” he said. “God loves you not because you’re talented or ambitious or have a special calling — you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t — but because He made you in His image. He loves you with an everlasting love that is based not on your performance but based on His performance.”

To read the full story click HERE.