Monday, September 11, 2023

Fourth-year student Allison Smith was recently elected as the student chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. She was elected based on an application and letter of recommendation.

The mission of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.

The position will give Allison the opportunity to help plan the national conference next year and serve on the Commission on Education, which will be making recommendations to the AAFP Board of Directors on resolutions regarding AAFP policy.

“This opportunity means so much to me because it allows me to truly take my experiences and passion for family medicine to the next level,” Allison said. “I will never forget my first national conference. I know the impact it can make in the lives of people who have a love for family medicine. My aim is to recreate the same memorable experience for the next round of attendees. I want everyone who attends this amazing event to leave having grown in their networking, knowledge, and most importantly their passion for family medicine.”

In a letter sent to Allison AAFP President, Sterling Ransone, MD, FAAFP, stated “It is through the hard work of dedicated members like you who accept leadership roles that we are able to accomplish our goals.”

Allison has a background of leadership roles that helped her earn this accomplishment. She was the Representative for LUCOM American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) Student Chapter as an OMS-I student and served as president for the organization.

She also served as the Student Director for the Virginia Academy of Family Physicians (VAFP) Board of Directors and was a Wellness Committee Member with the VAFP.

“LUCOM does an excellent job of creating a culture of encouragement and support,” Allison explained. “It starts at the faculty level with professors who make it a point to get to know each student and encourage them in their passions and how to pursue them. It continues to the students who make it a point to encourage one another and mentor those who are coming along behind them.”

“I came to LUCOM because it felt like I would be part of a family here and it hasn’t disappointed,” Allison concluded. “I hope that I am able to continue to support the next group of medical students just as those ahead of me did.”