Errors were found with the following fields:

Parent/Guardian Information

Enter legal first name
Enter legal last name
Date of Birth
Enter date of birth
You must be 18 or older to complete this form.
Enter street address
Enter City
Select State
Enter zip/postal code
Select Country
Are any of your students currently taking any LUOA courses?
Select one
Students are unable to use LUOA and Ember simultaneously.

However, you are able to have some students enrolled in Ember and others in LUOA. Each student can be enrolled in a different program.

Transferring from LUOA to Ember mid year?

For families currently enrolled with LUOA, your coursework will not carry over so you will need to:

  1. Save your student's individual assignment

  2. Withdraw from LUOA and conclude your LUOA enrollment before continuing with Ember. Please contact to withdraw


Student Information

Student #1

Enter student's legal first name
Enter student's legal last name
Date of Birth
Enter student's date of birth
Home Street Address
Enter student's street address
Enter student's City
Select student's State
Enter student's zip/postal code
Select student's Country






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