Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri, 09 Nov 2012
Liberty Law inaugural class alumnus, Matt Krause (’07), won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives in District 93 this past Tuesday night, November 6, 2012, and became the first Liberty Law graduate to capture a statewide political office. According to the polls, Krause took 58.95% of the votes for District 93.
An adjunct professor of government and criminal justice for Liberty University Online, Krause will be another voice in the conservative movement supporting and defending family values, religious liberties, human life, and limited government. “Matt Krause began his legal career working as Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel and has always shown interest in Constitutional law and the political process. I have know Matt since his first year of law school and had the privilege of presiding over his graduation. Matt is the most gracious men you will ever meet. He is articulate and a man of integrity. I am confident that he will represent his district and the state of Texas honorably,” said Mathew Staver, Dean of Liberty University School of Law and Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.
As a law student Krause graduated magna cum laude, placing third in the class. He was the first recipient of the Spirit of Liberty Award, which is given to a third year law student who models the law school’s mission while achieving academic excellence.
According to Krause, “We are on this earth for a very short time and we need to do all we can to maximize our effectiveness and our ability to impact the culture while we are here. Public office is a great way to do that.”
For more information about Matt Krause and the issues he represents, visit his campaign website: