Thursday, April 23, 2009

CNN visited Liberty University, the School of Law, and Liberty Counsel recently as part of an extensive documentary regarding the effect of Christianity on politics, culture, and public life. CNN will debut "God’s Warriors," a three-night documentary premiering tomorrow, which investigates three faiths: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Each faith is featured separately, from 9 to 11 P.M. ET, beginning with Judaism on Tuesday and ending with "God’s Christian Warriors" on Thursday night.

"God’s Christian Warriors" will lead off with the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, founder of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University, the world’s largest evangelical university. CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour flew from London to conduct the interview, which was Dr. Falwell’s last media appearance before he died on May 15.

Following Dr. Falwell are interviews with Mathew D. Staver, Dean of Liberty University School of Law and Founder of Liberty Counsel. Dean Staver spoke about training a new generation of lawyers, judges, and policymakers to influence law and public policy from the perspective of a Christian worldview. He also spoke of Liberty Counsel’s success defending religious freedom in the courts. Megan and Mandy Chapman, who are also interviewed, were clients whom Liberty Counsel successfully defended against the ACLU regarding graduation prayer. They both now attend Liberty University, and Megan is an intern with Liberty Counsel.

CNN spent eight days filming Liberty University and Liberty Counsel. One of Dean Staver’s interviews at the School of Law was conducted against the backdrop of the unique Supreme Courtroom, where the central features reflect an exact replica of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Christiane Amanpour traveled to six countries on four continents with the intention of discovering how three major religions impact people’s lives and the world around us. As Amanpour explains, "There are millions of people around the world who feel that their faith is being ignored – pushed aside – and they are certain they know how to make the world right. We cannot and should not ignore them. And, with this report, we’ve tried to explain them."

Dean Staver commented: "The Christian worldview animates everything we do. We are training a new generation of lawyers, judges, policymakers, and world leaders to have a positive impact on law and policy. Our faith does matter. Silence and apathy are not an option. Prayer and action will change the culture for good."