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A reception for online students.

Reception honors Liberty’s largest class of online graduates

June 20, 2012

More than 5,500 Liberty University Online graduates and their friends and families gathered at Williams Stadium on May 11 for a reception celebrating their achievements.

The Class of 2012, with 14,012 graduates, includes more than 11,000 who have earned their degrees online.

The annual event, held as part of the Commencement weekend festivities, featured light refreshments and appearances by administrators from the various programs offered through Liberty University.

The crowd was welcomed by Chris Johnson, Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management; Dr. Ron Godwin, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost; and Dr. Ron Hawkins, Vice Provost.

Johnson asked for a show of hands: more than half of the crowd indicated they were seeing Liberty’s campus for the first time.

Several online graduates said they were fortunate to be able to participate in a graduation ceremony, an opportunity that sets Liberty Online apart from other online universities.

Hawkins recognized the accomplishments of the online graduates, many who have completed their degrees while working full time, raising families, or serving in the military.

“You’re all winners for overcoming obstacles and difficulties to get to this point,” Hawkins said.

This year’s online graduates include 2,651 military personnel.

Several graduates waited their turn to meet and have their pictures taken with professors and administrators, including Liberty co-founder Dr. Elmer Towns.

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