Biomechanics & Motion Analysis Lab
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Get Hands-On Experience with Biomechanical Equipment
The Biomechanics & Motion Analysis Laboratory is designed for teaching and research in multiple disciplines in the Department of Allied Health Professions.
Gain hands-on experience using a wide range of biomechanical tools used to analyze human movement.
Perform research projects in the lab as part of your degree requirements:
- Biomechanics Lab (EXSC 351)
- Advanced Biomechanics Lab (EXSC 551)
- 10 Vicon 3D Motion Capture System Cameras
- 4 AMTI In-ground Force Plates for 3D Kinetic Analysis
- AMTI Instrumented Treadmill
- Delsys Trigno 16 Channel Wireless EMG/Accelerometry
- Dartfish 2D Video Analysis Workstations
- Biodex Balance Systems
- Biodex Unweighted Treadmill
- Tekscan Matscan Pressure Mat
- Jump Mats
- Tendo Units
- FMS Movement Screening Kits
Research Capabilities
- 2D and 3D High-Speed Video Analysis of Sport and Exercise Technique
- Enhancement of Strength and Conditioning Technique and Power Development
- Coordination of Movement Patterns
- Injury Prevention of Athletes
- Running Mechanics and Gait Analysis
- Movement Screening and Corrective Exercise Prescription
- Performance Enhancement of Liberty University NCAA and Club Sports Athletics
Undergraduate & Graduate Research Projects
Undergraduate Research
- Redding, J. (2022) Hamstring and Quadriceps Strength Ratio in Collegiate Wrestlers.
- Bouton, J (2019). The Impact of Power Training on Balance and Visual Feedback Removal.
- Rogers, J., Titcomb, D. (2017). Comparison of Lower Extremity Joint Reaction Forces During Barefoot Running Utilizing Rearfoot vs. Forefoot Initial Strike Pattern. Presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference (Chattanooga, TN: February 2018).
- Titcomb, D., Nelson, B., Dahl, K., Dorholt, M., DeCeglie, S., Kelly, P., and Schoffstall, J. (2013). The Effects of Stretching on Vertical Jump. Presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference.
- Lease, J. M., Schoffstall, J. E., Titcomb, D. A., and Norman, T. L. (2013). A Comparison of the Electromyography Response of the Regular Push-up vs. the Ring Push-up. Presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference.
Graduate Research
- Zealand, M., Titcomb, D. (2024). Effects of Gait Training on Hip Extensor Activation and Ground Reaction Force in Healthy Adults.
- Gross, C., Titcomb, D. (2024). Hip Abduction and Adduction Strength Ratios on the Prevalence of Dynamic Knee Valgus in Collegiate Female Athletes.
- Mizera, M., Titcomb, D. (2024). 3D Kinetics and Kinematics during Jump Take-off and First Phase Landing in NCAA Division 1 Triple Jumpers.
- Antonio, M., Titcomb, D. (2022). Effects of Windmill versus Traditional Wall Ball Exercise Technique on Upper Body Muscular Fatigue during CrossFit Training.
- Martin, A.D., Titcomb, D. (2021). The Effects of Vestibular Exercises on Kinetic Measures of Balance in a Healthy Population.
- McCarty, A., Titcomb, D. (2021). Effects of Pre-Determined Barbell Hip Thrusting Surface Height on Motor Unit Recruitment and Activation Patterns.
- Blackley, A., Titcomb, D. (2020). The Effects of Rearfoot Eversion Taping on 3D Foot and Ankle Kinematics During Treadmill Running.
- Lowell, R. Roper, J., McCarthy, A., Nelson, H., Philips, M., Frech, A., Blackley, M., de Moors, P., Sullivan, P., Ziebell, B., Hornsby, J., Simpson, J., Titcomb, D., Bosak, A. (2019). The Effects of Ankle Taping on Double Leg Balance after Plyometric Exercises. Presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference (Greenville, SC: February 2019).
- Lowell, R., Titcomb, D. (2019). Correlation of 2-Dimensional Analysis of the Modified Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) and a Deceleration Task.
- Warr, L., Titcomb, D. (2019). A Comparison of Functional Improvements in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: The Effects of Treadmill vs Free Walking Intervention.
- Blackley, A. (2019). The Influence of Ankle Flexibility on Athletic Single-Leg Balance Test.
- Ray, T., Titcomb, D. (2018). The Effects of Aerobic Fatigue Testing (Beep Test) on Three-Dimensional Kinetics During Drop-Jump Landings.
- Clary, D., Titcomb, D. (2018). The Effects of Foam Rolling on Running Gait Patterns.
- Martin, C., Titcomb, D. (2017). Functional Comparison of Three Forms of Exercise Utilized for Flexibility Enhancement: Reactive Neuromuscular Training vs Static Stretching vs Dynamic Stretching Prescriptions.
- Feister, J., Titcomb, D. (2017). Evaluating FMS Performance and Injury Visibility in NCAA Division I Football Players.
Additional Biomechanical Research
- D. Titcomb1, B. Melton2, H. Bland3 ,T. Miyashita4. Evaluation of the Craniovertebral Angle in Standing versus Sitting Positions. Presentation: Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, Feb. 22, 2024. 1Liberty University, 1Concordia University Chicago, 2Georgia Southern University, 3Georgia Southern University, 4Concordia University Chicago.
- D. Titcomb1, B. Melton2, T. Miyashita3, H. Bland4. The Effects of Education or Corrective Exercise on Forward Head Posture – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presentation: Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, Feb. 24, 2023. 1Liberty University, 1Concordia University Chicago, 2Georgia Southern University, 3Concordia University Chicago, 4Georgia Southern University.
- Titcomb, D. (2015). A Comparison of Electromyographic Responses of the Hamstring Musculature During Seated vs. Prone Hamstring Curls. Presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, (Jacksonville, FL: February 2015)
- Titcomb, D. Blais, M., Lane, R. (2012). Use of Tekscan Matscan® to Detect Static Rearfoot Position Through Evaluation of Rearfoot Pressure. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5): S713.
- Titcomb, D. (2011). Midfoot Plantar Pressure: A Comparison Between Subjects With and Without Chronic Pain, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 43(5): S256.
- Schoffstall, J. E., Titcomb, D., and Kilbourne, B. F. (2010). Electromyographic Response of the Abdominal Musculature to Varying Abdominal Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(12): 3422-3426.
- Schoffstall, J., Titcomb, D., and Kilbourne, B. (2010). Electromyographic Response of the Abdominal Musculature to the Abdominal Crunch Exercise Utilizing the Hollowing Maneuver. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(5): S207.
Biomechanics & Motion Analysis Lab Director
Dr. David Titcomb
Center for Natural Sciences T54