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Vendor Information

Become a Vendor at LU

Prospective vendors wishing to be included in a future request for a proposal should send an email to Supplier Management with company details, or register directly within our system utilizing the link to the right. This information will be reviewed by the supplier management team for future opportunities.

For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more details regarding supplier setup.

For Sourcing questions, please send an email to our Enterprise Sourcing team. Thank you!

Register as a Supplier with LU! Click Sparky to get Started

Important Information for Vendors

Liberty University maintains a centralized procurement environment. The role of Procurement & Payment Services is to help departments/schools make informed, best-value purchasing decisions. The University buys a wide variety of goods and services in numerous categories. Vendors interested in doing business with Liberty University should familiarize themselves with the following:

  • Only the University President, Chief Financial Officer, and the Procurement & Payment Services department are authorized to sign contracts or agree to terms and conditions on behalf of Liberty University.
  • Only Procurement & Payment Services is authorized to issue an official Purchase Order (PO) on behalf of Liberty University.
  • All invoices submitted for payment must reference the associated PO number; invoices without a PO number may be returned for correction and could delay payment.
  • Vendors that provide goods or services without a University PO or contract, do so at their own risk; the University may refuse invoice payment.
  • The Master Agreement applies to all services and/or purchases that require a service for the university unless expressly authorized. If you have a Master Purchase Agreement (MPA) or any other legally binding contract with LU, the terms of that contract take precedence over the terms in the Purchase Order.
  • Purchase Order Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases unless changes are expressly authorized in the Purchase Order or associated Contract.
  • Liberty University’s standard payment terms are Net 45 from the date of delivery or date of invoice, whichever is later. For more payment terms, please visit our Payment Services page.
  • Parking is at a premium. Vendors visiting campus must get a daily vendor parking pass at the Visitor’s Center or the main entrance of Green Hall to park on campus.
  • Liberty University’s standard delivery requirement is ‘F.O.B. Destination’ with transportation charges prepaid on all orders to the University. There shall also be no fuel surcharge on any order.
  • In accordance with our Non-Discrimination Policy, Liberty University does not engage in unlawful discrimination or harassment because of race, color, ancestry, religion, age, sex, national origin, pregnancy or childbirth, disability or military veteran status in its educational programs and activities.
  • The Liberty University Whistleblower Portal is used to report incidents as defined in the Liberty University Whistleblower Policy.
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