P-Card Replacement
Replacing an Expiring P-Card
Replacements for expiring P-Cards typically arrive at the P-Card Office 2-3 weeks prior to the P-Card expiration month. Upon arrival, the P-Card Office will email Cardholders with the instructions detailing how to obtain a new P-Card.
Note: Cardholders will be required to retake and successfully complete the Finance 221 course before their new card can be received.
Replacing a Broken or Worn P-Card
To request a replacement P-Card for one that is broken or worn to the point that it is no longer usable, please email pcard@liberty.edu. The replacement will arrive at the P-Card Office within 7-10 business days from the date of the request. The P-Card Office will contact the cardholder by email when the card arrives. Please bring your old card with you when you pick up your new one.
Transferring Departments within Liberty University
P-Card holders transferring into a new department are required to close their P-Card.
If a new P-Card is required for the new position, please follow the steps below.
- Complete a P-Card Addendum to close out your old card.
- Successfully complete and pass the Finance 100, 220, and 221 courses
- Submit a new P-Card Application
Reporting and Replacing a Lost, Stolen, or Compromised P-Card
If a P-Card is lost or stolen, or if transactions on the P-Card account were not authorized, call Truist immediately to report the card and order a replacement:
- Call Truist at (877) 806-8766 to report a card as lost, stolen, or with a fraudulent charge (compromised card). Note: To ensure a call with Truist goes as smoothly as possible have the following information ready before you call:
- First and last name of Cardholder
- Full P-Card Number (if it’s lost, please contact the P-Card office)
- Name of Business (has to be exact: Liberty University)
- Last four digits of LU’s Tax ID # (6734)
- The details of each fraud charge (description, date, amount)
- Complete this form to notify the P-Card Office of any fraudulent activity. You will need the claim number provided by the bank to complete the form.
- Truist will send a replacement card to the P-Card Office. You will receive an email notification once it is ready to pickup.
If you have any difficulty reporting the fraud when you call Truist, please email the P-Card office at pcard@liberty.edu.
For any questions, please contact the P-Card Office through email at pcard@liberty.edu or phone at (434) 582-2266.