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Facilities Information Management Department

The Facilities Information Management Department provides mapping, tracks utilities, and manages infrastructure of Liberty University owned properties including space management of University owned buildings that occupy over 8 million gross square feet in 170+ properties.


Utilities and Infrastructure

  • Provide GIS-based campus maps, evaluate the needs for maintenance and upgrades, and identify infrastructure improvements
  • Track and trend utility usage such as water, gas, and stormwater management
  • Manage roadway and pedestrian path improvements
  • Work closely with Information Technology to identify and support IT related underground infrastructure

Integrated Work Management

  • Implement and manage existing and new facilities software systems related to university space and property data
  • University-wide facility work order service requests, asset management, planned and deferred maintenance initiatives
  • Utilities consumption/energy conservation project outcomes measurement and verification


Space Management & Informatics

  • Responsible for University’s space management system, process improvement, communications, business systems, and data integration with other University systems
  • Oversee software applications and database solutions supporting day-to-day operations, planning, and decision making
  • Facilitate and advance process improvement initiative strategies for the FM organization
  • Management of a comprehensive program for collecting, maintaining, analyzing, and managing the University’s space utilization information for all academic, research, and administrative units on and off campus


Engineering & Energy Operations

  • Establishing comprehensive energy policies
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing our campus’ carbon footprint
  • Demonstrating environmental leadership
  • Utilities consumption/energy conservation tracking


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