Student and Professional Organizations
Student Residential Organizations
- LU Autism Advocates
- LU Autism Advocates Liberty University Student Chapter
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
- Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
- Pi Sigma of Kappa Delta Pi (Local Chapter) – Undergraduate Candidates
- Professional Association of Christian Educators (PACE)
- Urban Education Club
Student Online Organizations
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
- Christian Educators Association International (CEAI)
- Offers student membership with liability insurance for field experience participation
- Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
- Alpha Kappa Eta of Kappa Delta Pi (Professional Chapter) – Graduate Candidates
- Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)
Professional Content Organizations
Candidates are expected to be involved in professional organizations as part of their fulfillment of the Field Experience Summary (FES). Many organizations are acceptable to meet this requirement. It is in the candidate’s best interest to join at least one organization that has a local chapter representation.
- Biology 6-12 & Chemistry 6-12
- Business Education 6-12
- Computer Science 6-12
- Elementary PreK-6 with Middle Option 6-8
- Engineering
- English 6-12
- English as Second Language PreK-12
- Family/Consumer Sciences 6-12
- Health/PE PreK-12
- History/Social Science 6-12
- Mathematics 6-12
- Middle Grades
- Music: Choral-Instrumental PreK-12
- Spanish K-12
- Theatre Arts PreK-12
- Visual Arts PreK-12