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Office of Disability Accommodation Support

Welcome to ODAS!

Liberty University’s Office of Disability Accommodation Support (ODAS) exists to ensure equal access and an inclusive campus free from barriers to the educational experience by providing individualized advising, advocacy, and reasonable accommodations to support students with disabilities and temporary medical conditions.

Now Accepting Applications for Beyond Barriers Summer Transition Program 2025!  Click here for details.

Questions about Accessibility at Commencement 2025?  Click here for more information.

Residential Faculty and Graduate Assistants

Not sure how to facilitate an accommodation?  Bring your questions to our VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS!  An ODAS representative will be available to provide support every Tuesday between 2-3pm (starting January 21st) on MS Teams.  Click here to join.

LU Accommodate logo

We are excited to use LU Accommodate, an accommodation tool that streamlines the review, approval, and delivery of accommodations. With LU Accommodate, students with documented disabilities can manage their accommodation requests, appointments, and related services with ease.

If this is your first time setting up an LU Accommodate account with ODAS (as an incoming or current student),  please use the link to the right and have your disability documentation ready to upload.  Examples of acceptable documentation include the following:

  • psychoeducational evaluation
  • copy of the student’s high school IEP or 504 plan if it identifies a diagnosis
  • letter, on letterhead with signature, from the student’s physician or therapist that identifies a disability.  (Documentation cannot be provided by a family member or someone with a personal relationship with the student or student’s family.)

Accommodations Already In Place?

If your accommodations have already been approved, please use the link below to log in to your LU Accommodate account. This account will be used to:

  • Request your semester/term accommodations
  • Keep current with ODAS announcements
  • Schedule appointments with your ODAS advisor
  • Access the LU Accommodate Resource Library

Academic Accommodations 

Students are responsible to disclose their disability to ODAS (where all disability information is kept strictly confidential) for the purpose of receiving accommodations. If they do not do so, professors and others are not obligated to accommodate a disability. Once a student’s Initial Accommodation Request and disability documentation have been reviewed, he or she will be contacted by a Disability Advisor to schedule an intake meeting to discuss accommodations and helpful campus resources.  Accommodation letters are then sent to the student and his or her faculty for that particular semester or sub-term.  Students are encouraged to follow up with faculty regarding details of their accommodation letters (i.e. modified attendance or a make-up test) and self-advocate as needed.

*NOTE:  Students must submit a Semester/Term Request through LU Accommodate for each semester and sub-term that they need their academic accommodations.

Non-Academic Accommodations – Housing, Dietary, and Support Animals

Please note that each of the following request processes is different.  Questions can be directed to

Additional Accommodations

For Liberty University Interpreting Services, please visit the LUIS website.

Report a Barrier Around Campus


Institutional Responsibilities

The Law
Reasonable Accommodations
Temporary Medical Conditions
Common Accommodations
Disability Definitions

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability against students in institutions of higher education. Section 504 mandates “reasonable” accommodations to provide equal program access to all students with disabilities. Faculty must provide accommodations that meet the needs of each student with a disability.

The university has an obligation to make reasonable accommodations in policies, practices or procedures when needed to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability unless making such accommodations would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program or activity, or would result in undue financial and administrative burdens.

We realize that individuals with temporarily disabling conditions resulting from  injuries, surgery or short-term medical conditions may need access to accommodations similar to individuals with permanent disabilities. Examples of temporary disabilities may include but are not limited to pregnancy and parenting complications, broken limbs, hand injuries, or short-term impairments following surgery or medical treatments.

We are committed to providing pregnant and parenting students with the same benefits and services provided to the rest of the Liberty University community. Pregnant students, or students with parenting responsibilities, may request accommodations through ODAS.

A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the individual.

    • Major Life Activities:
      The phrase major life activities refers to normal functions such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
    • Physical Impairment:
      A physical impairment includes any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory and speech organs, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin and endocrine.
    • Mental Impairment:
      A mental impairment includes any mental or psychological disorder such as organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.
    • Learning Disability:
      A learning disability is a generic term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders occur in persons of average to very superior intelligence and are presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction.

Specific disabilities include, but are not limited to, the following: blindness or visual impairment; chronic illnesses; psychiatric and emotional disabilities (ADHD, anxiety and related disorders, depression, etc.); deafness or hearing impairments; epilepsy or seizure disorders; orthopedic impairment; specific learning disability; speech disorder; spinal cord or traumatic brain injury; and neurological and neuromuscular disorders.

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for some of the following services:

    • Extended time for testing
    • Testing in a quiet environment
    • Priority pre-registration
    • One-on-one accommodation advising
    • ASL Interpreters
    • Osborne Assistive Learning Technology Center:
      • JAWS for Windows: screen reading software for the visually impaired
      • Kurzweil 3000: scanning and reading software for students with reading disabilities
      • Dragon Naturally Speaking: speech recognition software which can turn speech into print
      • CCTV: magnification hardware for the visually impaired


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