Trump Chooses Liberty for First Commencement Address

Caps and hats told the tale of Liberty University’s 44th Commencement, with academic caps as a ceremonial aspect of celebrating the over 18,000 students graduating and the speckling of iconic red trucker hats signaling the morning’s speaker, President Donald Trump. Trump chose to give his first commencement address as president at Liberty, making him the first sitting U.S. president to […]

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The Flare

Here we go, people. Like, share, learn something. Politics Here’s where we’re at with the delegate count. Some candidates are even threatening to skip the Republican Nation Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, which is expected to be … well, not conventional. There’s growing tension between the Republican party and its top candidate—Donald Trump! Even a couple of Trump’s children won’t be […]

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To punish or not to punish?

Pro-life Christians should fight for justice and life and not for vengeance Donald Trump’s worst period in his campaign for the Republican nomination came Tuesday, April 5. Trump lost by a significant margin in the Wisconsin primary to Ted Cruz, making it even more difficult for him to reach the 1,237 delegate majority he needs to become the nominee. One […]

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Candidates on the attack

Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz embrace new strategy to stop Donald Trump As everyone knows, 2016 is an election year. Along with that fact comes the knowledge that we, the American public, are about to endure a barrage of political advertisements berating the various candidates on both sides of the aisle. It is a well-known truth that campaign season […]

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How the primary schedule affects candidates and their chances at the nomination. Everyone who has ever played a board game or a sport of some kind knows how important the rules of the game are. Without a clear understanding of them, the game cannot function properly. I remember playing wiffle ball games in my backyard with friends after school where […]

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Donald Trump attacks Clinton

Are Bill Clinton’s past issues ‘fair game’ for Republican candidates to criticize? He’s wearing a very expensive suit. Maybe he does not have a platform that extends deeper than the first link in a Google search, but his assortment of red and blue ties is remarkable. He’s spent half of his unfairly granted airtime backtracking on boorish comments made in […]

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Sarah Palin endorses Trump

Former governor’s endorsement could affect larger nomination process Former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin formally endorsed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump during a campaign stop in Iowa. Palin’s endorsement is one of many coming from celebrities and politicians, including Jerry Falwell Jr., who have told the world whom they side with in advance of the primaries. In an impassioned speech, […]

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Joe Biden may enter race in 2016

As Hillary Clinton stumbles, the vice president eyes a run for the presidency With bad publicity circling the Hillary Clinton campaign like an eagle circling its prey, the Democratic field for 2016 continues to look bleak. Clinton continues to find herself on the defensive of a long list of accusations stemming from her email scandal earlier this year. As her […]

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