Legacy lived out

Chaplain pens spiritual manuals to guide players and coaches Student-athletes are just that, students and athletes. At Liberty University, coaches and staff members work to develop their student-athletes to grow spiritually while becoming the best students and athletes they can be. Dr. Ed Gomes, the director of spiritual development for the Flames football team, works to help his players grow […]

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Keeping faith strong

Faculty offers students advice for spiritual development over the summer As students head their separate ways and travel away from the Christian community at Liberty for the summer, they can quickly fall into bad habits if they are not actively seeking God. According to Dr. David Wheeler, School of Religion professor, students should remember Matthew 6:33 and seek the kingdom […]

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Spiritual programs revamped

Nasser kickstarts several changes in order to promote Campus Community The spiritual atmosphere at Liberty University has undergone a recent remodeling under the leadership of Senior Vice President for Spiritual Development David Nasser. According to Director of Spiritual Programs Daniel Bolton, these modifications affect residential hall meetings, prayer groups, Campus Church and Convocation. Bolton stated that these changes were made […]

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Nasser’s strategy

Plan for the future unveiled at Monday’s Convocation “People hate change, but love progress,” President Jerry Falwell said at the start of Convocation Monday, Oct. 20. “You can’t have one without the other.” Falwell began Convocation, voicing to students that David Nasser, senior vice president for spiritual development, is not a replacement for Johnnie Moore, the former senior vice president […]

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