Ban in the land of the free

Trump’s order halts U.S. entry for seven countries, refugees   Making good on one of his most scoffed at campaign promises, President Donald Trump imposed a ban on individuals entering the United States from Muslim countries in yet another executive order Saturday, Jan. 28. The United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave — […]

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Remember the refugees

The ongoing crisis in Syria presents a challenge to all. The crisis in Syria has been happening for more than five years with no hope of an end to the turmoil that has come as a consequence of a horrendous civil war. Lately, images of children, who are the most innocent victims of all, have surfaced. They are bloody, crying […]

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Working with refugees

LU Send Now students go to Greece and Macedonia on first international trip According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are currently 59.5 million forcibly displaced people in the world. As a response, LU Send Now sent its first international team to the border of Greece and Macedonia to serve at a refugee camp near the […]

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