If you had told me in November that there would be a contested convention in the Republican nomination, I would have laughed at you. Now it truly seems like this will be a reality July 18 in Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. A contested convention is when none of the candidates reach 1,237 delegates — the majority needed at […]

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The Flare

Belgium Terrorist attacks were carried out in Belgium at the Brussels Airport and the Maelbeek subway station, Tuesday, March 22, killing 31 people and injuring more than 200. It is believed that Belgium became a target because of its involvement in counterterrorism efforts. Two of the suspects were suicide bombers, and the third is still at large. There’s growing concern […]

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A continuing series Part 3 When the Republican Party held its first debate back in September, there were 15 candidates for the voters to choose from. However, the unequal influence wielded by early state primaries has caused that field to be narrowed to just four candidates based on the decisions made by voters in just three states. The current schedule […]

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How the primary schedule affects candidates and their chances at the nomination. Everyone who has ever played a board game or a sport of some kind knows how important the rules of the game are. Without a clear understanding of them, the game cannot function properly. I remember playing wiffle ball games in my backyard with friends after school where […]

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