The Flare

Belgium Terrorist attacks were carried out in Belgium at the Brussels Airport and the Maelbeek subway station, Tuesday, March 22, killing 31 people and injuring more than 200. It is believed that Belgium became a target because of its involvement in counterterrorism efforts. Two of the suspects were suicide bombers, and the third is still at large. There’s growing concern […]

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The fight for the Court

Senate Republicans promise to oppose Obama’s Supreme Court nomination “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” -Mark Twain In regard to recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away Feb. 13, Mark Twain might have had a point; however, the Senate is in […]

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Honoring the lives of UCC

Oregon shooting was not a political gun law issue but a religious freedom issue When a mass shooting occurred at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Roseburg, Oregon resulting in the deaths of nine students, little time passed before the attention turned to gun laws in the U.S. Before anyone had pieced together what had happened Oct. 1, media pundits, politicians […]

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Conversion controversy

President Barack Obama begins push to ban reparative therapy for minors President Barack Obama is looking for a legacy, and he has recently rotated back to a hot topic for the progressive left — gay rights. The president wants to ban gay conversion therapy, or reparative therapy, for minors. The issue was brought to his attention by a petition on […]

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Obama lectures faithful, again

President uses Easter Prayer Breakfast to reprimand Christian community While the bees proved to be quite the problem during recent Easter festivities at the White House, President Barack Obama brought on his own swarm of angry responses with his Easter Prayer Breakfast remarks. For the second time in about two months, Obama took advantage of a public, national event celebrating […]

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U.S. in diplomatic depression

Iran nuclear deal proves to ignite frustrations between Netanyahu, Obama Last week, Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected as prime minister of Israel despite the best efforts of President Barack Obama’s administration. Netanyahu promised before his election there would not be a Palestinian state under his watch, much to the chagrin of the U.S. administration. The president and his foreign policy team, […]

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Obama accuses Christians

President takes shot at Christianity, equating it to radical religious violence Last Thursday, Feb. 5, President Barack Obama attended the annual National Prayer Breakfast. As many remember, this event has brought the President much grief over the past few years. A year ago in February, Dr. Ben Carson, a possible Republican candidate for President in 2016, persuasively dissected many of […]

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Obama snubs Israeli leader

U.S. president says “no” to key Middle East ally amidst escalating turmoil I guess I should laugh to keep from crying. Yemen’s U.S.-backed government, touted by President Barack Obama as a model for dealing with al Qaeda and the Middle East, according the MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, crumbled overnight last week. Additionally, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah died Friday, Jan. 23, leaving […]

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We cannot afford free college

More government-funded education is not the answer to our financial woes President Barack Obama recently proposed a free community college plan. Yes, free. “(What) I’m also going to do is announce a proposal that I’m going to be making to make sure that community college is accessible for everybody,” Obama said. “Put simply, what I’d like to do is to […]

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U.S. foreign policy falters

As the Islamic State advances, instability in American diplomacy is exposed The United States government seems to operate under the umbrella of three absolutes: we do not leave Americans behind, we do not negotiate with terrorists and we do not put troops on the ground. While President Barack Obama recently added the third absolute, the trio has proven to make […]

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Obama: Better at pop-culture or politics?

Appearing on Galifianakis’ comedy show was an attempt by the president to boost Obamacare’s popularity President Barack Obama recently joined Zach Galifianakis for an interview on his popular Internet show “Between Two Ferns.” Obama’s participation in the six-minute comedy show elicited mixed opinions from viewers, according to a Fox News article by Howard Kurtz. “He wasn’t funny … I have […]

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