Oliver North inspires students

Retired Marine addresses audience during military emphasis Convocation Liberty hosted its annual military emphasis Convocation Wednesday, Nov. 5. The Convocation featured guest speaker Lt. Col. Oliver North, retired U.S. Marine Corps, and included traditional military rituals. Convocation began with worship led by the Sounds of Liberty ministry team. After the pledge of allegiance was recited, the five vocalists sang an […]

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Tribute to the Armed Forces

Office of Military Affairs hosts time of appreciation for service members Liberty University held its yearly Military Emphasis Week (MEW) Nov. 3-11 to honor current members of the military as well as veterans. The week kicked off Nov. 3 with the Military Night of Remembrance to honor military members who died in service. Retired U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Oliver […]

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Campus celebrates the military

By Quinn Foley Office responsible for armed forces outreach hosts time of appreciation Military Emphasis Week (MEW) is a time when Liberty University faculty and students have an opportunity to pause and appreciate those who have served and are still serving in the U.S. Military. This year, MEW is being held Monday, Nov. 3 through Saturday, Nov. 8, and there […]

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Take advantage of Military Emphasis Week

The time of appreciation for veterans who serve and have served gives students the chance to give back. Life in itself is an ongoing drama, each day filled with an inevitable mixture of ups and downs. Throughout the journey, moments of tragedy are a certainty. On Oct. 13, the Liberty University community went through one of those trials. This was […]

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