The purpose of serving

Remember that scene in the Disney, Pixar film, “UP” when elderly Carl Fredericksen heard a knock on the door and opened it to welcome a boy scout named Russell? Looking up at the man, Russell took his chance and quickly recited his handbook, “Good afternoon. My name is Russell, and I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge […]

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How to manage time in college

You can probably get that done on time … and that’s coming from someone who managed to graduate with a decent GPA in high school while showing up to class with a single mechanical pencil in her pocket. My unserious, Type B personality did not comprehend the challenges of time management in college had until I paid my way through. […]

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Taking center stage: Students perform for spring Coffeehouse

Chatter and cheers flowed through the Vines Center March 23 as the animated montage clips signaled the start of Coffeehouse: Animated. Each semester, Student Activities provides students with themed talent shows; this spring, the audience was able to reminisce on childhood shows and movies through props like Shrek’s outhouse and a Scooby-Doo haunted theme hallway with hovering candles. Student Activities […]

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