Devos with Davis: the end of a semester

It’s the final curtain, the last call, the end of yet another semester. This January, it seemed like the semester was going to last forever, but now it’s as if the ending has been expedited and it’s all happening much too fast. It felt like  just yesterday when everyone stuffed their belongings into their new dorm rooms and walked through […]

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Delegate Wendell Walker presents commendation to Liberty Champion

Virginia Delegate Wendell Walker presented House Resolution No. 213 to the Liberty Champion staff to formally commend the Liberty Champion newspaper April 29 in recognition of the publication’s commitment to journalism and celebration of its 40th anniversary. “My first classes were in buildings (that) Dr. Falwell would rent around the city, so we have helped build an outstanding university. . […]

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Devos with Davis

The slight rustle of paper, repetitive clicking of pens and faint whirring of printers fill the air as reporters frantically run from cubicle to cubicle. Yellowed coffee cups dot each desk, and crumpled pieces of paper lie across the floor like discarded snowballs. The constant ringing of phone calls and urgent tapping of keyboards adds to the newsroom’s cinematic score […]

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The Importance of Being Earnest: Students perform in Oscar Wilde’s comedy with a feathery twist

Whether it’s through top hats, feathers or spilled tea, each of the characters in Liberty University’s production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” seeks to find purpose in their trivial pursuits.  The play surrounds the lives of two Victorian young men, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who attempt to find true love in their efforts to masquerade as […]

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Devos with Davis

The sun has just begun to set on the horizon and cast a pale orange light onto the rocky path in front of you. The wind blows through the surrounding trees and sends shivers down your spine. Pensively, you take a small step forward and fall to the ground as another set of rocks makes you lose your balance. Shaking […]

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The Titanic sets sail

Holding onto hope and cherishing every moment one has with their loved ones are two of the prominent themes surrounding Maury Yeston and Peter Stone’s musical, “Titanic.” The musical follows the lives of the Titanic’s passengers and chronicles the events leading up to the ocean liner’s tragic journey on the icy Atlantic Ocean.  Navy blue light floods the stage as […]

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Following God’s call: Music professor shares her experiences in the music industry and gives advice to future musicians

Seeking the kingdom and following God’s lead are just two ways in which Nirva Ready, associate professor of vocal performance, has been able to give God all the glory in her music as well as mentor the next generation of musicians at Liberty University. Ready’s experiences in the musical realm began while she was a child and were further cultivated […]

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Student-professor team refurbish 19th century settee for chaplains museum

Editors note: This post was updated by Maria Davis April 8, 2024 After receiving funds from a research grant in September 2023, Caitlyn Burnell and Sydney Cooper began refurbishing the settee in November and completed the restoration process in March.   Burnell explained that out of all the projects she has worked on in the past, refurbishing this historical settee was […]

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