The democratic primary narrows to two candidates as Joe Biden takes Super Tuesday by storm

Former vice president Joe Biden remains the front-runner in the Democratic primaries after Super Tuesday, the one-day race across 14 states that awards one-third of the nation’s delegates.  Biden has 565 overall pledged delegates while Sen. Bernie Sanders trails behind with 506 delegates, as of Thursday morning. The numbers will rise as March 3’s votes continue to be counted, according to […]

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Joe Biden may enter race in 2016

As Hillary Clinton stumbles, the vice president eyes a run for the presidency With bad publicity circling the Hillary Clinton campaign like an eagle circling its prey, the Democratic field for 2016 continues to look bleak. Clinton continues to find herself on the defensive of a long list of accusations stemming from her email scandal earlier this year. As her […]

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Joe Biden, king of gaffes

Vice president’s continuous blunders may knock him off 2016 candidate list Vice President Joe Biden has provided no shortage of public relations nightmares for President Barack Obama’s White House. With the rest of Washington, D.C., making it through their snow day last week, Biden was definitely not missing any action. A picture and video were taken during the swearing in […]

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Why Biden does not qualify

Joe Biden said in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos “there is a chance” that he will run for presidency in the upcoming 2016 election. Although he said it through a laugh, there is no way to know if he will run until the end of summer 2015, according to Biden. Taking a look at the past seven years […]

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