Dinesh D’Souza speaks at Liberty

Author shares fears and concerns about radical Islam and the future of America New York Times bestselling author, political analyst and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza spoke to students Feb. 11 about the dangers surrounding radical Islam and the role of young people in society. D’Souza’s most prominent films are “2016: Obama’s America” and “America.” After an introduction from Adam Ochs, chairman […]

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Faith fuels Islamic terror

Religion is the key motivator behind jihadists’ violence, not economic woes Jobs — that is what the Islamic State needs. Jobs. According to State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf, that is the solution. But the reality is Islamic State radicals do not need a “shovel-ready,” five-step path to employment. The displaced, abandoned and abused Christians, Yazidis and peaceable Muslims are […]

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Duke ditches Muslim prayer

After much criticism, Durham school pulls plug on broadcasting Islamic call As of Thursday, Jan. 15, Duke University has reversed its decision to allow a weekly Muslim call to prayer to ring from its chapel’s speakers. Is this reversal of the decision that gave Muslim worshipers the spotlight intolerant or simply appropriate? “The Durham university had said (Jan. 13) it […]

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