Small changes equal big results

Step-by-step spiritual diet plan keeps the focus on faith, food, fitness, and friends The latest diet fad hits the mainstream media, and people flock at the first thought of losing weight. Even Christians who are supposed to treat their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit turn their heads when news of a new diet breaks. The Daniel Plan, which […]

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Are you going the wrong weigh?

As 2017 begins, many people have made New Year’s resolutions to become healthy. Students at Liberty University can achieve this goal through a combination of exercise and healthy eating. “When starting a new semester, there is an element of excitement in the ‘fresh start’ — this is great motivation when starting a fitness routine, but the key is sustainability,” Heather […]

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More than mentoring

Campus pastors work to guide and counsel The Campus Pastors Office is implementing new tactics to engage students. This semester, members of the staff have been roaming the campus. While these staff members still have offices, they are more likely to be found in the Jerry Falwell Library or joining a student for a Bible study and a workout in […]

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Healthy living in a digital world

Center for Digital Wellness encourages plugging into a happy and active life In order to promote healthy living, Liberty University has started a Center for Digital Wellness, the first of its kind in the nation on a college campus. The center aims to help students maintain a healthy balance in a digital world. Sylvia Hart Frejd, the executive director of […]

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