Is Homework Really Necessary?

Did you get all your homework done? We’ve all heard that phrase one too many times before, and now it triggers your fight-or-flight response. Every waking thought is about an assignment you should be doing or that project you really should start but you just can’t bring yourself to face it. Is all this homework really necessary?  Unfortunately, it just […]

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Sharing the Gospel in the barracks: Student raises funds for military ministry training

Veda Birch is from a military family. Her father has been a chaplain for years — she understands the culture, the struggles and the lifestyle. She set her sights on pursuing a degree in psychology from Liberty University to become a therapist for military spouses. While Birch will be graduating from Liberty this May with a bachelor’s in psychology, God […]

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Delegate Wendell Walker presents commendation to Liberty Champion

Virginia Delegate Wendell Walker presented House Resolution No. 213 to the Liberty Champion staff to formally commend the Liberty Champion newspaper April 29 in recognition of the publication’s commitment to journalism and celebration of its 40th anniversary. “My first classes were in buildings (that) Dr. Falwell would rent around the city, so we have helped build an outstanding university. . […]

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Flames golf team named CUSA champion in first year in conference

The Liberty University Flames golf team put its best foot forward on the fairway as it claimed its eighth conference title at the 2024 Conference USA Golf Championship. Though the Flames have seven previous conference champion titles under their belt, this was their first-ever appearance in a CUSA Championship. The championship took place April 22-25 at the Texarkana Country Club […]

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The Wiz: The contemporary musical retake on L. Frank Baum’s classic presented at the Tower Theater

American poet and memoirist Maya Angelou once said, “You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it’s all right.”  This profound concept of home is one of the many powerful themes that surrounds Liberty University and Alluvion Stage Company’s “The Wiz.” Serving as a contemporary rendition of L. Frank Baum’s “The Wonderful […]

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Out of the Darkness walk raises $9,000 for suicide prevention

Liberty football team carrying banners

According to the World Health Organization, more than 703,000 people take their own lives every year, making suicide the third-largest cause of death worldwide. To shed light on this, Liberty University’s Student Health Center and Wellness Initiatives hosted the Out of Darkness Walk on Saturday, April 20. The 1-mile walk around campus drew in over 300 students and raised more […]

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The Importance of Being Earnest: Students perform in Oscar Wilde’s comedy with a feathery twist

Whether it’s through top hats, feathers or spilled tea, each of the characters in Liberty University’s production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” seeks to find purpose in their trivial pursuits.  The play surrounds the lives of two Victorian young men, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who attempt to find true love in their efforts to masquerade as […]

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Turning passion into profit: Student social media influencers use their content creation skills for marketing

Like many students, Aubrey Seat and Talia Silver traveled over spring break, but the work didn’t stop there. It was Friday of spring break when Seat and Silver, co-founders of the marketing firm SilverSeat, had just returned from their Costa Rica trip at 5 a.m. that morning. The two girls sat in their shared dorm, smiling through a single video […]

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