Congressional Art Competition to begin May 3

The LaHaye Event Space will welcome the Congressional Art Competition beginning May 3 and will celebrate local creative high school students.   The art competition will feature artwork from students around the 5th District of Virginia, allowing students to showcase their masterpieces on Liberty University’s campus. Participants can enter different materials for consideration, which will be displayed across several tables and […]

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Open Mic concludes: Final performance night of the semester held

Student Activities hosted their final Open Mic of the semester on Tuesday, April 16, gathering crowds of students to the Academic Lawn. The Open Mic event series is a student favorite, filling the Montview Starbucks seating area with listeners eager to support singers trying Open Mic for the first time as well as beloved returning performers. Provided with snacks and […]

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Battle of the Bands, a student-led event, raises money to support local charity, Isaiah 117 House

Battle of the Bands, an event to raise money to support Isaiah 117 House, gathered crowds of students to the Academic Lawn April 12.  Promotional flyers were hung all over campus, encouraging students to come show their support for their favorite band. Students arrived in groups carrying folding chairs and blankets, ready to listen to student-led music from local bands.  […]

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Ben Carson: “The Doctor is in”

Ben Carson gave a speech Thursday, Feb. 22 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) about the necessity of turning back to God during times of political unrest in America, as well as his beliefs about the weaponization of the United States justice system.   Carson began by delving into what he believes is the “crisis of legitimacy” that Washington faces.   […]

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Matt Gaetz speaks on government

Matt Gaetz opened his speech Feb. 23 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) by telling the crowd that he has exposed a government that, according to him, has been weaponized against the American people.  “The truth is that we can’t save the nation with the current Republican team,” Gaetz said. “We have to get tougher (and) smarter, and we […]

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Civic Scholar

With presidential elections just around the corner, it is more important than ever to consider various potential candidates’ policies regarding different aspects of politics, and more specifically, it is crucial that a future president take precautions to provide care for veterans and their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It is the duty of the nation to ensure that veterans are […]

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Unwind with lemonade: Students enjoy LeMonet held by Student Activities

Student Activities washed the Montview Student Union with color Feb. 3 on Saturday evening with this year’s newest event: LeMonet. The event combined music, painting and lemonade to offer the student body the opportunity to fellowship by creating art. A large crowd of students flooded the hallway, forming a long line more than 15 minutes before the event was scheduled […]

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Al Lopus addresses faculty

Liberty University welcomed guest speaker Al Lopus to the Faculty and Staff Convocation held at Thomas Road Baptist Church Feb. 5. Lopus is the author of the book “The Road to Flourishing: Eight Keys to a Flourishing Workplace” and brought his insight to Liberty’s staff about how to boost engagement and student achievement. President Dondi Costin introduced Lopus by discussing […]

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