Theology and Christianity

Christians need an understanding of apologetics to combat false teaching The great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis once said, “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” Christian culture used to be teeming with intellectual champions of the faith, but that time has been fading fast. In recent decades, Christian culture has moved […]

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Timeless teaching

Dr. Ed Hindson has served as a Liberty faculty member for more than 40 years If you enter the lobby of Dr. Ed Hindson’s office, the first thing you will see is the collection of paintings hanging on the walls. Art showing the stories that dramatically portray Jesus walking on water and washing disciples’ feet are eloquently framed, and evenly […]

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Searching for answers

Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement begins its first semester Thomas was a doubter. Known for being a skeptic, a disbeliever, a questioner and for demanding proof, “Doubting Thomas” and people living in today’s chaotic world have something in common, especially with the millennial generation. They are asking questions and looking for answers. Liberty University is giving students and professors […]

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