Suffering food insecurity

Droughts, climate change, war and government corruption are the four main causes of food insecurity in third-world countries. Ethiopia, however, is unlike any other country, as its citizens are enduring the repercussions of government fraud, a recent civil war and an ongoing drought. The fallout of these events has resulted in the starvation of over 20 million Ethiopians.  A 2023 […]

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Cutting LGB ties: The orientation separation

With the increase in attention to the transgender movement, there have been growing conversations among the political right about whether someone can stand for the acceptance of homosexual rights while standing against the transgender movement. Organizations like Gays Against Groomers and activists like Dave Rubin argue that conservatives can stand for gay marriage and the L, G and B while […]

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Which personality test is best: Myers-Briggs Type

Though the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most recognized personality type test, many varying tests have succeeded it. Among these assessments is another commonly recognized test known as the Enneagram test. Yet, there are several characteristics of the MBTI that make it superior to its counterparts.  The MBTI strives to offer people a comprehensive understanding of their minds. There are […]

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The FDA should rethink what ‘safe’ means

Congress established The Food and Drug Administration in 1906 when it passed the Pure Food and Drug Act. The purpose of the administration was to regulate the additives placed in food and to “prevent the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious food, drugs, medications and liquors,” according to Weill Cornell Medicine.  Over a century […]

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The struggles of attending a Christian university: The temptation of stagnation

There was a reason I didn’t want to attend Liberty University. Actually, there were three. When college-hunting during my senior year of high school, I was primarily looking at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. I was a Virginia resident and loved the idea of its nearness to my family, the beautiful stone that comprises the school’s halls, the academic challenge […]

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Enlisting in the spiritual battle

There is a war being fought in Christian universities. It is the same war raging within every Christ-follower’s heart. It is the war between good and evil, light and darkness. This war is what separates Christian universities, Christian-in-name-only universities and secular universities. Satan targets true Christian universities and the Christians inside them as they attempt to fulfill the commission given […]

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Timeless truths from the champion that span generations

Editor’s note: The staff relates past Champion op-eds to the present day. From Kim Valcanoff’s “Academics do not a student make” (Vol. 1, No. 1; October 1983): THEN “(W)hat constitutes good academics? Certainly, the quality of professors and the basic structure and position of an institution are major factors; however, the single greatest factor in determining the quality of education […]

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