God (not) from the machine

Listen, friends. We’ve known each other for a while: a whole five issues now! It’s about time that I tell you some nerdy stuff about my major. For those wondering what my major is, it’s writing. Shocking, I know.  It’s important in every blossoming friendship with English or writing majors to bear with us when we tell you some English […]

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D&D can go too far — with bad intent

Dungeons & Dragons. The role-playing game that captivates so many players. The game that is fused with imagination. The game where players spy on goblins hoarding mines and ask crusty old shopkeepers where they can find the treasure. The game that has caused so much conflict within the Christian community. Ever since the creation of the game, Christians have raised […]

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Crunchy leaves, crushing lies

As the leaves on Liberty Mountain begin to take on orange and yellow tints, the air grows colder, and the sun makes shorter appearances, I begin to develop a familiar somberness. For many, these signs are the tidings of beginning seasonal depression. For me, they represent a mix of things.  Once the first day of fall hits, my family pulls […]

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Preventing gaming from dominating

Gaming is a worldwide pastime. According to the statistics site Exploding Topics, in just seven years the number of gamers has increased by one billion. There are over three billion active video game players in the world today, and that number is only expected to grow. In the U.S., two out of every three people play some sort of video […]

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Considering the benefits of sleep

Dignity does not decrease for those who sleep more. Still, rest and the Sabbath are two of the most transparently ignored and often discouraged observances in American culture. The standard college campus is perhaps plagued by this attitude worse than most places.   Educational facilities hold all the information in the world, and yet, the notion that proper sleep is […]

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Higher ed hopes

Let me describe what my educational experience looks like as a biomedical sciences major. I go to a lecture. I listen to information I don’t understand and am not expected to understand. I try to capture the words on the PowerPoint as much as possible. I memorize the words and images on 250 slides of PowerPoints for this unit’s test. […]

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A struggling decider

Dear Lord, As you are, of course, my Lord. In fact, it’s hard to think of you in any other way but as my Lord or King. Sometimes it’s very difficult to see you as other things, like my friend. To me, with a friend, I can complain. To you, I don’t believe I have the right. I’m just the […]

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Too much niceness taints the gospel

When you hear the word “grace,” what comes to mind? I automatically think of all the times that I’ve harmed someone or been thoughtless in intention, word and deed. The crushing weight of knowing that I couldn’t retreat from an ill-made decision was remedied by the overwhelming relief of hearing the person I had wronged tell me that all was […]

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