Episcopal Church out

Anglican Communion sets example for dealing with division inside of Church Within days of the Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage nationwide, the Episcopal Church moved to allow gay marriage within its denomination. The Episcopal Church’s decision rallied support from the LGBTQ community and garnered judgment from various Christian denominations. In a recent meeting in Canterbury, England, Anglican leaders barred […]

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Nate’s Notes

Every year, our nation celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This holiday takes place each year on the third Monday of January. It is a day we honor the man who dedicated his life to replacing hatred and prejudice with love and respect. King was a humble man who preached about unity. His famous “I Have a Dream” speech was […]

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Should Christians vote Trump?

Evangelicals must decide whether a candidate’s views match a biblical worldview This past Monday was one of the most significant Convocations I have been to in my four years at Liberty University, and I have been to many notable ones. From Tim Tebow to John Piper to Bernie Sanders, I have enjoyed many highly anticipated addresses to our student body. […]

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Lottery jackpot record

Powerball craze raises theological questions on where satisfaction is found Earlier this month, the Powerball lottery reached a record-breaking, mind-boggling jackpot of $1.5 billion, and the question of the day across the country seemed to be, “What would you do if you had that winning ticket?” Across campuses and offices, in homes and apartments and schools, friends and families impressed […]

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Iranian prisoners return

The Obama Administration shows weakness in latest hostage negotiations Earlier this month, President Barack Obama praised American diplomacy as he announced an agreement with Iran to release Americans in what was labeled by the media as a “prisoner swap.” Among the prisoners released was Pastor Saeed Abedini, who was arrested in September 2012, according to the Huffington Post. This swap […]

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Quit using your head

U.S. Soccer bans heading in youth soccer leagues to prevent concussions I am sure you have heard about the concussion epidemic that has taken the sports world by storm. It seems everyday another high profile football player has revealed he has chronic traumatic encephalopathy late in his life. Unfortunately, many governing sports bodies are feeling the pressure to take action, […]

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CENTCOM reports altered

Intelligence scandal reveals deeper leadership issue that plagues White House While we were all enjoying our Thanksgiving break, the New York Times was reporting the latest Obama Administration scandal. On Nov. 21, the Times published an article that stated the Pentagon inspector general was investigating claims that military intelligence had been significantly changed by senior intelligence officials. Specifically, intelligence analysts […]

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What is your legacy?

Former Liberty University student Matthew Jackson leaves legacy of Christlike When our time on Earth is over, how will we be remembered? What kind of legacy will we leave? And what does it mean to leave a legacy? The events surrounding former Liberty University student Matthew Jackson’s recent death show how he left a lasting legacy, leaving Earth a better […]

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Christ, born in a manger

The Christmas season reminds us to prioritize what is most important in life No vacancy. That is what might have been written on the sign outside of the Bethlehem inn the night an anxious, expectant couple arrived at the door. Maybe Mary and Joseph knocked, their hearts beating hard as they awaited an answer. Perhaps the stressed, overwhelmed innkeeper shooed […]

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Push Black Friday back?

Retailers staying open on Thanksgiving Day is hurting families across U.S. Black Friday sales are beginning earlier and earlier each year as retailers open on Thanksgiving Day to the detriment of families of retail employees across the U.S. Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and celebrate everything they have to be grateful for. It is a time […]

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Status quo held in GOP debate

Rubio and Cruz continue to look strong in substantive and intelligent debate The Republicans held their fourth debate so far this election cycle Tuesday, Nov. 10. Coming off a controversial debate on CNBC, Fox Business made a strong effort to be much more policy focused while also taking some passive aggressive shots at CNBC in the days leading up to […]

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Attacks across Paris

At least 129 dead and more than 300 injured after terrorist strikes in France Nov. 13 The world stood still. Cities around the globe shined lights of red, white and royal blue upon their most memorable buildings and landmarks. The amply named “City of Light” went uncharacteristically dark. All in response to the catastrophic acts of terrorism — resulting in […]

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Marco Rubio under fire

Attacks on senator from Florida signify his place at the top of GOP primary When it comes to politics, tact is everything. You need to know when to go on the offensive and when to hold back and fortify yourself. Generally speaking, struggling political candidates are aggressive while successful ones sit back and absorb the blows. If a candidate is […]

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Bush continues his fall

Presidential hopeful steadily drops in polls but should not drop campaign Jeb Bush has a problem. The 2016 Republican candidate hopeful fell from second to fifth place in a recent New Hampshire poll and is now at seven percent in the critical state, according to a CBS News article. Furthermore, Bush continues to fall nationally among Republicans. A Monmouth University […]

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