Eroding environmental protection

The Trump Administration works to undo Clean Power Plan, focus on jobs Since early February, the Trump administration has been working hard to demolish the environmental regulations put in place by the former Obama administration. President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday, March 28 at the Environmental Protection Agency headquarters that would undo the Clean Power Plan. According to […]

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Invasion of privacy

Internet providers now have the ability to sell the browsing history of customers It was just last month that the House of Representatives voted to block online privacy regulations, thus giving internet providers the option to sell their customers private browsing habits if they so desire. With former President Barack Obama’s original intention being to give consumers’ a stronger hold […]

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Sanctuary cities and citizenship

New Trump policies target illegal immigration by increasing deportations To some people, like Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff Paul Lamb, whom a Fox News article said is opposed to sanctuary cities, sanctuary cities prevent illegal criminals from being deported back to their home country.  To people like Seth Stodder, who worked for both the Bush and Obama administrations dealing with border […]

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That’s What Sarah Said

As I sat in church this past Palm Sunday, I pondered the news I read that morning that ISIS claimed the bombing of two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt, killing more than 40 people. Egypt as a country declared a three-month state of emergency to recover from the bombings and help discover who carried out the attacks. How lucky I […]

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Jumping through hoops

Building a new life in a foreign country is tough for those making the transition The age-old adage of, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” needs to make a comeback — especially in a time when immigrants are being demonized in the media, in the public and even by classmates. Becoming a citizen […]

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Beauty & protest

Christians outraged by classic remake Audiences are raving over how Disney’s real-life remake of “Beauty and the Beast” mimics the original animated picture released in 1991. However, Hollywood made sure that audiences were aware of one difference. A Deutsche Welle (DW) article entitled “Disney to feature first gay character in Beauty and the Beast,” was published in early February before […]

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That’s What Sarah Said

That’s What Sarah Said “Take me out to the ballgame. Take me out to the crowd.” The sun is out, the weather is warming up and America’s signature sport is back. The Major League Baseball season kicked off Sunday with three games, and if they were any indicator of the 2017 season, we are all in for a real treat these […]

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Political holocaust comes to Hollywood

Why Tim Allen’s comments are problematic Tim Allen compares his experience as a conservative in Hollywood to being shunned by your friends, degraded by a sign on all of your clothing, constantly beaten, starved and eventually murdered. “If you don’t believe what everyone believes, this is like 30s Germany, if you’re not part of the group,” Allen said on “Jimmy […]

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Problems in Parliament

European leader’s sexist comments draw backlash “Of course women must earn less than men because they are weaker, they are smaller, they are less intelligent and they must earn less. That is all.” Polish Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Janusz Korwin-Mikke spoke these words in the European Parliament March 1, 2017, according to USA Today.  He preceded that statement by […]

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That’s what Sarah Said

Over spring break, I had the opportunity to attend the College Media Association Spring Conference in New York. I didn’t know what to expect from a conference of hundreds of student journalists from around the country, but I am leaving with the renewed sense of why journalism is still vital. Society and technology drastically changed the way people get their […]

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Donald Trump v. Paul Ryan

Trump and the Speaker of the House Ryan have a complicated relationship The relationship between President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has been making headlines again and not because of their combined efforts to replace the Affordable Care Act. In the midst of their efforts to rally Republican support for the American Health Care Act (AHCA), […]

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Taxes revealed

Trump’s 2005 1040 finally uncovered Donald Trump’s decision to not release his tax returns haunted his presidential campaign and has followed him into his presidency.  Claiming that he is under audit, Trump refused to do what presidential nominees have traditionally done and set himself up for extensive criticism. On March 14 Rachel Maddow, who hosts The Rachel Maddow Show on […]

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Cyber bullies

Russian agents identified in U.S. hacks In the year 2014, the Sochi Olympics took place, Robin Williams died and the Ebola virus terrorized the world. It was also the year in which Russian hackers were responsible for one of the largest data breaches in history. Two Russian FSB agents and two criminal hackers broke into Yahoo and Google servers and […]

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The month of April looks to draw attention to an issue common in society There will always be taboo topics society doesn’t want to discuss, let alone dedicate an entire month to creating awareness for. While sexual assault awareness month may not be the most talked about in both current and past years, the glaring reality of the need behind […]

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Pipeline project continues

The Energy Transfer Partners project resumes with new administration After a five-month delay, construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) has resumed at Lake Oahe marking the end of months of protest and a failure on the part of the government to enforce the law and by the media to prevent the spread of misinformation. Since Aug. 15, 2016 protestors […]

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