Charter schools offer an alternative for students struggling with public school

Independent charter schools have seen a drop in approval, which has led them to redirect their focus. Although charter schools are technically public schools, there has always been some disconnect between the two. Rather than pitting the two against one another, the two systems should look to support one another by addressing the differing needs of students. Charter schools are […]

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Eternal value of missions work outweighs risk factors involved in the job

Workers wanted.             Job requirements may include raising financial support as opposed to being paid, no stock options or retirement fund, moving away from friends and family, learning a foreign language and possible death. Most college graduates would look at that job description and run the other way. Only an idiot would spend four years and tens of thousands of […]

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Steve Scalise’s return to Congress can serve as a reminder of the dangers of political division

On the morning of June 14, I walked into my newsroom internship in Washington, D.C. and immediately learned about a shooting at the Republican practice for the Congressional Baseball Game. The rest of that day, the newsroom operated in shock as we watched and contributed to the coverage of the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, that injured House Majority Whip Steve […]

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OPINION: Unreliable lie detector tests make their way to Capital Hill

  Lie detector tests have developed an association with crime dramas and high-risk spy movies, but this faulty interrogation method has found its way out of Hollywood and into Capitol Hill.   According to reports by CNN and Fox News, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering the possibility of giving national security staff lie detector tests in order to find […]

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Churches and other religious institutions may receive FEMA money to rebuild after hurricanes

The rain stopped, the winds died and the floodwaters receded, but the rebuilding process for the communities affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma has just begun. Knowing there is a limited resource of relief funds, I do not envy the person who decides who gets aid and who does not. For someone, each home, business and school affected is not […]

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OPINION: Congressional Republican division means Cassidy-Graham healthcare reform bill is dead

  Eight months after the inauguration, the Republican Party’s lack of direction and unity has resulted in its inability to complete President Donald Trump’s first legislative goal — repealing former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law. Now, the party has almost run out of time. On Sept. 30, the current budget reconciliation measures will expire and Senate Republicans will need 60 […]

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Kenyan Supreme Court ruling to redo election calls Americans to gratitude

It has been almost a year since America’s 2016 presidential election, but, if any other Americans are like me, I still get slightly nauseated seeing a headline referencing any presidential election. So when the news came out that Kenya was redoing its presidential election after the Kenyan Supreme Court ordered a new vote due to irregularities ruining the integrity of […]

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Calling out sexual sin

Nashville Statement defines Christian position regarding sexuality and marriage Sides have been taken in the wake of the recent release of the Nashville Statement. The document was drafted by the Center for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and endorsed by evangelical Christian leaders across America in order to reaffirm the biblical views on gender, sexuality and marriage. Prominent signers of the […]

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Creative speech

Supreme Court to hear case on artistic free speech Recently, more and more Christians have found their businesses and financial stability threatened as the result of their decision to stand by their commitment to their faith-based values. This trend is alarming, and more Christians need to be aware of what is happening and take a stand in order to defend […]

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Korean agitator

US response to threat of agression from North Korea Fight or Flight are the two responses to stress brought on by a threat, but there is a third option – patience – that people rarely consider and could bring a more effective end result. On Sept. 3, the North Korean government, led by Kim Jong-un, successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb […]

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