OPINION: Marvel impresses comic book lovers with revolutionary 2018 film Black Panther

Feb. 15 and experienced record-breaking box office returns, Marvel’s “Black Panther” was set apart from virtually every other superhero movie, and its success carries a wealth of potential for influencing the film industry beyond the comic book genre. Being that it is the 18th installment in the immensely successful Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has already brought many of our childhood […]

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OPINION: PROSPER act shakes up left side of Congress

What bill is currently working its way through Congress and could influence the fate of Liberty University students’ unsubsidized loans and Pell Grants and the university’s ability to operate according to its religious convictions? The answer is the proposed PROSPER Act, formally titled the “Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity Through Education Reform Act.” This bill, often referred to as […]

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Opinion: Congress needs to stop holding DACA deal hostage

Since President Donald Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in September 2017, the promise of reinstating the program and offering DACA recipients a pathway to citizenship has been used as legislative bait. Republicans used the promise of a deal on DACA to pass multiple spending bills and to raise the debt ceiling. However, repeatedly making a promise […]

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Opinion: Companies’ New Healthcare Plan Unlikely to Create Major Change

An article published on The Balance website Jan. 8 asked and answered the question, “Why Reform Health Care?” The article cites several reasons why a health care reformation is necessary, including the escalating costs of health care and the fact that nearly 25 percent of the population has little-to-no health care coverage. Less than three weeks after the article was […]

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Opinion: Messenger Kids

Facebook unveiled Messenger Kids at the beginning of last December, tailoring the Messenger app for kids under 13 and implementing heavy parental controls. In the digital age, the program provides a groundbreaking answer for both the fear of missing out -woes of every smartphone-toting tween and their worrying parents. “We found that there’s a need for a messaging app that […]

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Opinion: Pope Francis Takes on Fake News

Pope Francis released a document for World Communications Day denouncing “fake news” following the Trump-created trend to combat the misleading and false information that is encompassing the field of journalism. He proclaims that no one is exempt from having the duty to fight falsehood. Some argue that Trump and his advocates have used this term to silence sources that oppose […]

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Opinion: Trump 1st Year Report Card

In 2016, then presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigned like there was nothing he couldn’t do, no deal he couldn’t make, and no problem he couldn’t solve. But in the world of politics, there are somethings that are out of your control. This past year has been categorized by natural disasters and partisan feuding that seems to have served as a […]

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