Opinion: U.S.-China trade agreement strikes a healthy compromise

Two pieces of paper. Two signatures. Two changing powerhouse economies. The new U.S.-China trade agreement is through its first phase. Though the details began under lock and key after the initial announcement in December, the release of the full document – January 15 according to NBC – reveals that it may contain more benefits for the U.S. than expected. Although […]

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Opinion: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shirking royal duties disrespects British citizens

Millions around the world witnessed the magic of the royal wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018. An American girl becoming a real-life princess seemed to be nothing short of a Disney fairytale, complete with a carriage and royal treatment for a royal family. The estimated $45.8 million taxpayer-funded event cost 1,000 times more […]

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Opinion: WWIII would not look like the first two world wars

World War I was branded “the war to end all wars” (spoiler alert: it wasn’t). Never before had humanity seen such mass destruction impacting multiple countries from different continents.  The Greatest Generation understood the devastating effects of war economically, emotionally and physically, as they were drafted into World War II. Although it seems like America has constantly been at war […]

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Opinion: How Christians can see God’s goodness in the midst of suffering

This is the first of a two part series addressing the proper Christian response to tragedy in the world. Perhaps the most unanimously agreeable statement shared between all worldviews is that a lot of bad stuff is going on in the world. Australia has been on fire since November, a Philippine volcanic eruption has displaced 30,000 people and over 1,200 earthquakes have shook Puerto […]

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Column: The Emily Angle – Leaders should display grace instead of hostility

Our views of leadership are often skewed in a culture where the loudest shout often dominates the room.  Nikki Haley, however, seeks to “kick with a smile” and lead with both “grit and grace.” She says the way she conducts herself in situations influences how everyone else conducts themselves moving forward. As governor of South Carolina, Haley led the state […]

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Opinion: Using an inclusive holiday greeting promotes peace

For some people, the phrase “Happy Holidays” incites indignation brought on by assumed disrespect. For others, the simple phrase encompasses their celebrations, whether that be Christmas or another winter festivity.  “Happy Holidays” is not a disrespectful phrase towards Christians and Christmas, but instead it is an inclusive one that brings different walks of life together in joyful holiday spirit.  According […]

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Opinion: Star Wars fans can expect a spectacular ending to the last trilogy of the saga

Bringing a movie series to an end is the most difficult task a film director faces. That difficulty multiplies exponentially with the high-pressure circumstances of closing out perhaps the greatest movie franchise in history. That is to say: J.J. Abrams has his work cut out for him with “Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker,” debuting Dec. 20. In 2019 two of […]

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