Choosing the right diet: Paleo

In Disney Pixar’s “Ratatouille,” Remy, the protagonist, espouses the thought that, “If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.” For a rodent like Remy, that could mean diverging in essentially any way from the norm of eating bricks and garbage like any other rat, making him an outcast from his family as a […]

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The Bear Cave: The meaning of March 17

St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is quickly approaching, and that means storefronts will be decorated with green clovers and pots of gold. But the holiday is a lot more than an excuse to wear green and don good luck charms; it commemorates the life of St. Patrick and the introduction of Christianity to Ireland. When Christians understand the importance of […]

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Relying on direction: God’s grace in times of confusion

Let me preface the following by asserting that I am not a conspiracy theorist. That being said, many conspiracy theories were running through my head Thursday Feb. 22 when, according to the Washington Post, “More than 1.7 million AT&T customers across the country reported problems with their cellphone service.” Headed to the second day of Southeastern Theological Seminary’s Center for […]

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Walking vs. biking on campus: Walking

Walking, driving, biking, skateboarding, taking the bus and cruising on an electric scooter are all great ways to get around campus. However, it is also common to know someone who has gone to the hospital or been injured from attempting to skateboard, scooter or bike around the bumpy brick sidewalks. The paths are subpar for anything besides walking. Driving is […]

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Healing an over-medicated society: Alternative approaches to overcoming common illnesses

Graphic by Olivia Hess The United States consumes the most over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in the world. According to a study by Express Medical Supply, 58% of Americans take pills regularly each week. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, fexofenadine, loratadine — the list goes on, and the worst part is that many of them are not needed.  Granted, there are legitimate health problems that […]

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