Opinion: Someone’s Religious Beliefs Should Not Disqualify Them From a Position

Although Christians typically define faith as “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1), the dictionary defines faith as “a system of religious belief.” Typically, a devout Hindu, Christian and Muslim would all be considered individuals of faith. Not because they share the same faith, but rather because in some way, shape or […]

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Hattie’s Hangout: Scripture Trumps Man’s Opinion, Never Going Out of Style

Witnessing the complete abandonment of Scripture from the pulpit/stage strikes my heart with sadness. Unfortunately, this happens more than I want to admit.  As a new generation of pastors begins to take leading roles at churches across the country, a shift to topical preaching has ushered in with them. Despite being used as a tool to further a congregation’s understanding […]

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Opinion: Pence Won the Vice Presidential Debate

The presidential election of 2020 is less than a month away, and with that comes the first (and only) vice presidential debate of this election. In this debate, the vice presidential candidates had the potential to convince voters why they should support one candidate over the other after a tumultuous presidential debate a few weeks beforehand.  During the presidential debate, […]

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Hattie’s Hangout: The Unanswered Question, “Will you pack the court?”

A floating question tossed around at both the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates remains to be unanswered. “Will your administration pack the court?” The deafening silence coming from the Biden/Harris campaign seems to answer that question loud and clear: Yes. No amount of awkward laughter can allow Kamala Harris to hide from the question that many are wondering will happen […]

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Opinion: Despite Accusations, Biden is Not a Socialist

In the midst of a pandemic, wildfires and protests, exhausted Americans across the country tiredly follow a tumultuous election. Former Vice President Joe Biden emerged from the crowded field as the Democratic nominee through a campaign based on a “return to normalcy.” Despite Biden’s own claim to occupy the centrist lane, President Donald Trump continually accuses Biden of being a […]

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