Opinion: Pressure From Cancel Culture Is Growing

It is obvious today that some opinions and viewpoints are much more accepted than others. The popular ideas and thoughts are magnified and promoted almost constantly through the megaphone provided by Hollywood, Big Tech and the media, while the opposing viewpoint is shunned, silenced and ridiculed through threats and loss of jobs provided by the ever-growing pressure of cancel culture. […]

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Hattie’s Hangout: Nothing about the Holy Word of God is progressive

“Too many Christians are concerned with being right, rather than being Christlike.” Have you ever heard a pastor or Christian speaker proclaim this? On its face, it sounds good, but Christlikeness requires holiness and truth– not just love. Progressive Christianity has a long history. Beginning in the early 19th century Enlightenment and now reaching present day Postmodernism, this theology views […]

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Opinion: Outrage Comes From Both Sides After Trade Restrictions In Wake Of “GameStop” Fiasco

Earlier last month, the internet launched the stock market into the erratic claws of one of its worst enemies: unpredictability. For the first time in this globally interconnected age, small-time retail investors harnessed the power of collective action on social media to wreck Wall Street’s plans.  The hedge funds, investment banks and stock brokerage firms intended to ride out the […]

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The Tea With Bailey: I Don’t Want To Be A “Good” American Christian

A few weeks ago, I read an article that stopped me in my tracks. Whenever I’ve read an article or book about World War II, the stories have detailed the Germans that believed whole-heartedly in Adolf Hitler’s mission and the Germans that blatantly went against everything Hitler was about.  The “bad” Germans eagerly saluted Hitler, fought in his army and […]

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Hattie’s Hangout: The dust on the history books lead to severe consequences

Cancel culture is nothing new. History is repeating itself.  But I am not surprised. Generation Z threw aside history books for their phones, and we are now reaping the consequences.    Politics flows downstream from culture. Policies and executive action often happen in response to the rising wave of culture’s screaming demands. If you want to influence the world, you […]

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Opinion: Examining the “Rules For Thee But Not For Me” Mindset

COVID-19 has been hard on all of us, and especially on businesses adjusting to established social distancing and safety rules. While many businesses have had to shut down after they were deemed non-essential, others have had to face severe consequences for disobeying COVID-19 safety precautions. One of those businesses is Atilis Gym, a New Jersey gym owned by Ian Smith […]

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Hattie’s Hangout: Christian Need To Be on The Frontline’s Of The Culture War

Standing up for righteousness means refusing to bow to tyranny. Christians need to be on the frontlines of the culture war. Not retreating. For years, Americans who profess Christianity have, on many levels, lived comfortable lives. We have been given freedom to worship, to preach freely and share the gospel openly.  These blessings, this reality we have lived in, is […]

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