Awake Not Woke: My Takeaways From CPAC

This past weekend I had the immense pleasure of joining fellow staff members from the Liberty Champion for a long weekend in Orlando, Florida, attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. Here are my takeaways from this weekend:   I have attended one political conference before this. CPAC showed me the importance of questioning and truly understanding my political beliefs.  At […]

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Critical Race Theory In Virginia: Will The Ban Be Effective? Or Not?

According to his website, a huge part of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s campaign was focusing on controversies in education surrounding critical race theory. Now that Republicans hold the House and the Governor’s Mansion, they are working hard to ensure those promises are kept. According to WTOP, the Virginia House of Delegates recently voted 50-49 to pass HB787, a ban on teaching […]

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Don’t Be An Idealogue: Ideologies Are More Harmful Than Helpful

I’m not a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, or anything along the ideological spectrum, because I don’t conform to mainstream political labels. And you shouldn’t either.  Ideologies are too unstable. Political ideologies have changed in the past. We have seen this with the party switch between Republicans and Democrats. And political ideologies will change again.  Moreover, individuals today have become ideologically […]

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Denominations: We Have Strayed From The Original Church

We Christians love our denominations. We are proud that we are Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian or whatever denomination we claim. Unfortunately, denominations have become a distraction for the body of Christ. Denominations should serve as a secondary label, not as a primary identity. First, a caveat: there are primary issues and secondary issues in the Bible. Any biblical church should divide […]

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Movie Review: Encanto

Disney is no stranger to receiving acclaim for its animated feature films, and some may even say that it has maintained this reputation more than any other animation production company. However, it has produced films that have flopped, either with audiences, critics or both. Whenever a new film is announced or released, many want to see if Disney will be […]

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Politicians Using Christianity As A Tool

One of the most intriguing dynamics of American politics recently is the way a politician might manipulate religion to influence their prominence. This fraudulent portrayal of faith is anti-gospel. Religious citizens (specifically Christians) must know how to see through the veil of politicized religion, and vote accordingly. For news organization The Conversation, Jerome Viala-Gaudefroy contends that the modern era has […]

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