Fear lost job for Juan Williams

Ten years. That’s all it takes to turn an entire sub-population from public enemy number one to public sympathy number one. In the months following 9/11, Muslims in the United States were afraid of being associated with the extremists who took down the World Trade Centers and parts of the Pentagon. Fast-forward a decade. Many moderates and liberals have adopted […]

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The Walkman still plays in our hearts

Sadness struck many generations when Sony announced last week that the Walkman would stop production after 31 years of creating beloved music players.  Through nostalgia, we can all remember a time when we listened to cassette tapes. “First introduced in 1979, it has sold more than 220 million units worldwide,” according to Leslie Horn of PCMag.com. Whether we borrowed our […]

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Election 2010: Who to choose?

Democrat: Tom Perriello Congressman Tom Perriello represents Virginia’s Fifth District as a true man of courage, valor, and integrity. Before becoming involved in politics, Perriello served as a national security consultant, working in Afghanistan, Darfur, Kosovo and Liberia with child soldiers, amputees and local pro-democracy groups. He also founded many nonprofit organizations aimed at bringing together faith communities. He received […]

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Congress 2010: Tom Perriello Questions

What is your stance on health care? Would you support the repeal of the new healthcare law? Repealing health care reform would bankrupt Medicare, leaving seniors vulnerable. Repeal would defund important programs that protect expectant mothers and reduce the number of abortions. It would also kick students off their parents’ insurance when they graduate. I oppose repeal of these important […]

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Congress 2010: State Senator Robert Hurt

What is your stance on health care? Would you support the repeal of the new healthcare law? I believe that the government takeover of health care should be repealed and replaced. Our health care system needs real reform based on market oriented solutions that maintain our quality of care and truly reduce costs. Instead of trying to salvage a bad […]

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From the desk

It was a warm, muggy evening in early July. Despite the uncomfortable weather, people seemed to cling close together because it felt safer than standing alone in the dark. The tour guide pointed down the hill and said,“We are going into woods now. Are you guys ready?” I nervously glanced over at my friend and co-worker, Megan. The only light […]

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TV’s ‘Glee’ takes on religion

Many Christian viewers of the popular television show “Glee” may have felt rather uncomfortable during the Oct. 5 episode. The episode was centered around the varying religious beliefs of the show’s characters. Entitled “Grilled Cheesus,” it began with a main character making a grilled cheese sandwich bearing grill-marks with the likeness of Jesus’ face. For the next hour, the show […]

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From the desk

At the halfway point in the semester, reality is starting to hit me. Come May, I will be starting a new chapter of my life. At the age of 21, the whole is ahead of me. Yet, my path in the world is still unwritten and uncertain. It is time for me to share with you the list of things that I would like to do before I die. Sure, everyone creates this cliché list, but why not? We only have one life to live, so it’s time to start planning. First, I want to bungee jump off a really high bridge. It does not necessarily have to be well known, like the Golden Gate Bridge, but it does have to be really, really high. I am incredibly frightened of heights so the higher the better.

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CNN loses anchor Rick Sanchez over harsh words

As unemployment shows no sign of decreasing, it is a bad time to be out of work, especially when one is fired because of a national scandal – just ask recent former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. While on the Pete Dominic Radio Hour satellite talk show Sept. 30, Sanchez said that comedian Jon Stewart is a bigot, and should not consider himself a minority for being Jewish. He then said Stewart could not relate to Sanchez because he had been raised in wealth, though that is false. “He really nailed what it was like growing up in central Jersey in the early ’70s, the fortunate son of a single mother in the education field,” Stewart deadpanned on the Oct. 4 episode of “The Daily Show,” slamming Sanchez for assuming that Stewart lived a lavish life growing up.

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Patrons find alternatives in RedBox

The video rental store is slowly becoming the dodo of technology. The video-rental chain Blockbuster Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy under a $1 billion debt on Sept. 23, according to CBS News. The move caused the company’s stock to be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange and a large majority of its 3,300 stores are expected to close in the coming year. This announcement came on the heels of Hollywood Video, another of the nation’s major video chains, filing for bankruptcy in early February, eventually liquidating its product in August.

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Duke University controversy

Duke University’s College Republicans student group faces university de-charterment and is under risk of being de-funded after the removal of its president during the spring semester. The student senate of Duke University recently voted 20-3 to de-fund the political group, as ramifications to former President Justin Robinette’s impeachment in April, according to University of North Carolina’s The Daily Tar Heel. […]

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