Liberal media turns tragedy into opportunity

In recent weeks those who monitor major news outlets have been bombarded by news of the Arizona shooting and of Congresswoman Giffords’ miraculous recovery. The cause of the shooting has many different faces to many different people. Many members of the liberal media attribute the shooting not to alleged shooter Jared Loughner and not to inefficient gun laws. Talking heads […]

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A Christmas with no water

The young woman wiped the sweat rolling down her brow, took a deep breath, and began the second leg of her journey. As she hoisted the makeshift bucket onto her shoulder, she silently wondered if this daily water-fetching exercise was to any avail. The dirty water would eventually kill all of her friends and the families they retrieved the brownish […]

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A new perspective on Christmas

My desire to play Christmas music prior to Thanksgiving increased exponentially the past few weeks since the Lynchburg weather has turned almost frigidly cold — at least according to my Texas body temperature that balks at anything cooler than about 80 degrees.  Although classes had yet to break for Thanksgiving, I still played my Christmas music in the office much […]

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North Korea shakes world resolve

Attack has globe playing defense Ever since North Korea fired artillery shells on South Korean land Nov. 23, the world has been placed into the necessary defensive position. While some parties are speaking up, mainly the U.S. and the UN atomic watchdog, other parties — including China — have remained sheepish in their response to North Korea’s actions. “I do […]

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WikiLeaks fiasco embarrasses journalism

WikiLeaks has been the topic of much conversation since the web-based organization began publishing 250,000 confidential U.S. diplomatic documents for the cause of “good journalism” under the leadership of Australian citizen Julian Assange last week. Supporters of Wiki-Leaks are trying to make the act of espionage a matter of free speech. The problem with that argument is that divulging a […]

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Grace: A Christmas miracle

I have tried to write this story so many times, I have lost count. Every time words fail me, they seem so inadequate. The English language does not contain words enough to properly describe the Christmas of 2000, it does not even come close. To describe Christmas of 2000, I have to start in June of 1996, the day my […]

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Letter to the Editor from Joel Krautter

On Saturday, Nov. 6th, the student government senior class officers hosted a tailgate open for all seniors. The tailgate was held on Military Appreciation Day before the Liberty vs. Gardner-Webb football game. I want to thank all of the seniors who attended the tailgate. We were able to serve approximately 200 students before the Buffalo Wild Wings food finally ran […]

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From the Desk

I used to think that Barnes and Noble was the best place to drink coffee a read a good book, until last semester. One late night, I discovered Wal-Mart’s book section. Within seconds, a simple title caught my eye — “23 Minutes in Hell.” Thinking the book was fiction, I picked it up. Flipping through, I noticed the author wrote […]

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Revisiting Bush’s leadership

Former President George W. Bush wrote a book about his time in the oval office, entitled “Decision Points.” Released Nov. 9, the book sold 220,000 copies its first day, according to the Crown Publishing Group. This serves as a reminder that there are plenty of people who still care about what Bush has to say. While I have not yet […]

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Ruling appealed for violence in games

The Supreme Court on Nov. 2 debated the state of California’s controversial 2005 video game law. The law, which bans the sale of violent video games to minors, has never gone into effect. The video game industry sued, citing violation of the First Amendment, and the 9th circuit appellate court overturned the law in 2009. Now, California is appealing the […]

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With Halloween over, consumers begin to turn their attention (and wallets) to the next annual holiday festivity.  However, the standard Christmas discounts will be coming even earlier this year. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, has traditionally been the start to the Christmas shopping season.  Going against tradition, many retailers have begun to offer sales as early as October, causing […]

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