The Importance of Paid Parental Leave

Children are a massive responsibility. Raising these small, developing humans is not for the faint of heart. They require time, money and effort — not to mention intense care on physical, mental and emotional levels.   However, the most dedication to child-rearing is required right at the start. That is why parental leave is so important for growing families.  Many countries […]

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Should The United States Offer A Daily Naptime For Workers?

What if the key to boosting your productivity and mental health wasn’t working longer hours, but taking longer breaks? Countries around the world that prioritize employee “breathers” are seeing healthier, more constructive workers. Is it the United States’ time to follow their lead and integrate a daily naptime?  If you attended public school as a child, you most likely experienced […]

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Have smartphones ruined traditional personality variants?

Do you resonate most with the qualities of an of extrovert or introvert? How about an ambivert? Some people may consider themselves a mixture of dispositions, often called personality variants. With the rise of digital technology and social media, however, people are beginning to wonder if these traditional personality variants are disappearing.   Online tests are a great way to help […]

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The Importance Of Limiting Screen Time In College

Cell phone and computer addictions destroy the college experience.  While these devices provide ways to communicate with family members and document memories, they also cause students to struggle with their priorities — such as coursework, maintaining friendships and getting quality sleep.    Attempting to complete assignments thoroughly while distracting notifications light up your device is no easy task.  These unhealthy relationships […]

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What AI Should Never Be Used For

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm.   AI represents a new age of intellect, and many believe that it can make life better for humanity. Despite AI’s benefits, it should never be used to fabricate academic papers, replace personal creativity, supplant genuine relationships or override careers.  AI has become increasingly more prevalent in modern society. It boasts a wide […]

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How The Lines Between Social Media Platforms Are Blurring

What happened to the days when Instagram was for the perfect photo, Twitter was for a quick thought and Facebook was for family updates? The lines between social media platforms are blurring and it’s becoming harder to spot the differences between them.   With the prevalence of an ever-connected generation, social media has become the root of communication within the modern […]

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